Is there a way to set an automatic email distribution of cards?

I want to be able to send certain cards automatically to a distribution email list setting them to daily, weekly, monthly etc



  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    Hi all,

    Can anybody help @RFSWorld with their question?


  • This ability is not currently available in Domo, but might I suggest that you add this to the Ideas Exchange? You can do that here.


    As an alternative, you do have the ability to create a publication that uses a dynamic URL to disseminate information you might want other to see. Users can use this URL at any time to view the cards you have chosen to display and they will be conisistently refreshed with updated data. As an idea, you might create a separate publication for the daily, weekly, and monthly scenarios you mentioned and simply add their respective publication URLs to those emails. 

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @RFSWorld, as tmrichards suggested, please feel free to add your comment to our Ideas section!

  • Has there been any updates to this?

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @Barber1233, please feel free to submit this to our "Ideas" section if it does not exist yet.

This discussion has been closed.