DDX Form and Dataset Brick


I want to use this brick:

However ' Sync Now ' button does not trigger any action…my web_form does not gather any input. SyncToDataset is set to 'true'. Any thoughts?



  • Does your javascript have code to handle the button click even trigger?

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  • JakeWright
    JakeWright Member
    edited January 2024

    I'm working with this brick currently, and have changed it a good bit. Lots of form fields with drop downs, integrated a backend latitude/longitude populating function based on user inputted address… But I can't seem to get it to sync to the dataset, same as you. Did you ever find a solution?

    As a response to the previous comment, there is code to handle the on click trigger. That was already built out in the starter code for the brick. It is part of the syncButton element and runs the collectionService.runSync() on click.

    Through my own experimentation, i've determined that the domo.post that occurs in the runSync() function is returning undefined. I'm currently digging in to the documentation on exporting collections here: https://developer.domo.com/portal/1l1fm2g0sfm69-app-db-api#manually-exporting-collections

  • JosephMeyers
    JosephMeyers Domo Employee

    The dataset AppDB syncs to is a new dataset created on the first sync and is usually not the one wired to the app unless you created it and then later wired it to the app. The naming convention by default is {appName}_{appInstanceId}_APP_DB and the description will include "Auto generated from appdb service. datastore: {datastoreId} / collection: {collectionId}

  • JosephMeyers
    JosephMeyers Domo Employee

    If there is a sync issue where that dataset isn't syncing it's usually one of a couple things. First you want to make sure the Owner of the collection has access to the dataset the collection is syncing to. Second you want to verify the data in the collection matches the schema. Lastly, you can force a full replace by adding a new document and then deleting that document from the collection.