Tab Autocomplete Messed Up

Hi Domo. As of a couple weeks ago, when the tab key is pressed to autocomplete the column name in a beastmode, the cursor is automatically moved to the Save button instead of to the end of the column name that was autocompleted. How can I change it back to the way it was before? Is this something I can do myself or is it on Domo's side?

Best Answer


  • Hi @nmizzell,

    What an interesting question. I think this isn't a Domo issue, but a configuration issue based on your browser. Because the Tab button is really just a command that says to go to the next thing rather than autocomplete something written.

    Don't know if this helps, but this is an article on turning off autocomplete, but I think it's more for like addresses and CC info:

    John Le

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  • I have been experiencing the same issue. I use Chrome on a Windows PC. I haven't tried Edge to see if I experience the same thing to truly determine if it is a browser issue or not.

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  • Agreed, I have been encountering the same issue in both instances using Chrome/Windows 10. I will have to test whether it works as expected on other browsers or operating systems.

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @nmizzell @MarkSnodgrass I've noticed that hitting "Enter" to autocomplete still works as expected. Does it work the same for you?

  • nmizzell
    nmizzell Contributor

    Yes, Enter works for me.