Changing Labeling on X-Axis of Chart that Is Grouped by Period


I am creating a line chart with three categories and looking back 13 months and 13 weeks. My question is how can I get the x-axis labels for both month and week to show something different.

For example, I created a dummy chart that shows the freethrow percentages of a basketball time that I manage in the land of make-believe. The chart shows the aggregated percentages of the freethrows for the top, bottom, and average performer for the previous 13 months. I have created the same chart for the previous 13 weeks. My question in this example is how do I change the month/weeks labels on the x-axis to something more user-friendly to me. It is especially hard looking back 3 weeks and seeing 'Week [X]' and not knowing how to interpret what it means. Ideally, I would like to show a date of some sort so that the chart makes more sense to me.

I have attached some screenshots detailing the solution that I am hoping for.


Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    You can construct your own week text with a beast mode and put that field in your x-axis. Something like this:

    CONCAT('Week of ', DATE_SUB(dt, INTERVAL (DAYOFWEEK(dt) - 1) DAY) )
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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    You can construct your own week text with a beast mode and put that field in your x-axis. Something like this:

    CONCAT('Week of ', DATE_SUB(dt, INTERVAL (DAYOFWEEK(dt) - 1) DAY) )
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  • Thanks for the answer! Can you show me where to put the beastmode exactly?

  • You would click on Calculated Field

    Write your beast mode and name it

    Drag that field into the x-axis

    Hope that helps.

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  • Hi Mark, I have one final question. I am trying to change the date format to Month/Day/Year but when I do so, the datatype turns into a string in the ordering is out of whack. What should I do to alleviate this issue? Thank you!

  • You will want to create a 2nd beast mode that you would use just for sorting purposes. Just make sure it results in the same granularity as the field you have in the x-axis. You might be able to just create a beast mode that is just WEEK(dt) and put that in the sorting.

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  • That worked perfectly. Huge kudos to you and I hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  • I keep trying to do this, but I keep getting this error:

    Any chance you can help @MarkSnodgrass

  • @emaynez it looks like dt is not an actual field in your dataset. Replace dt with the date field that you want to use, and see if it validates.

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  • Got it! Thank you so much!