How to setup Google Analytics Tracking on a Training App for GA4


I am attempting to track when Domo users take a course from CourseBuilder within Domo. I attempted to follow this documentation, but it is for Google Analytics UI, not Google Analytics 4. I have noticed there are many differences between the two, the main difference being there is no discernable Tracking ID. Is anyone else using GA4 to track CourseBuilder courses, and if so, how did you get it to work?

Best Answer

  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    Answer ✓

    @nathankilcrease I am currently working on converting all my stuff over but I was able to get the tracking ID from the Property Settings and then Property ID. I still need to figure out how to make the custom fields but everything else should work I think.

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  • MarkSnodgrass

    @Ashleigh is well-versed in CourseBuilder. She may have some insight on how she tracks her courses.

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  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    Answer ✓

    @nathankilcrease I am currently working on converting all my stuff over but I was able to get the tracking ID from the Property Settings and then Property ID. I still need to figure out how to make the custom fields but everything else should work I think.

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  • nathankilcrease

    @Ashleigh Ah so the Property ID is the replacement for the Tracking ID? And yes, the custom fields are the other thing that I can't seem to figure out, please let me know when you do get it to work!

  • nathankilcrease

    @Ashleigh Following up on this post, were you ever able to figure out the custom fields with Course Builder? Additionally, I have attempted to use Property ID as a replacement for Tracking ID and it doesn't seem to be working…

  • Ashleigh

    @nathankilcrease yes, I was able to add the custom fields but for some reason none of the data is populating for the items of my new property ID. I set up a new GA4 connector and its bringing in data for my non GA4 properties.

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  • nathankilcrease

    @Ashleigh Aw dang, that's not good, let me know if you are able to figure out how to bring in the GA4 properties!