Need Column Subtotal and Total to be average of % Amounts not Totals

I need the Subtotal and Totals of % Spent Columns to be averaged not Totaled

fyi - transactionamt = JTD Cost

(IFNULL(CASE WHEN SourceCode = 'Blank' THEN Filter Rows.TransactionAmt end,0))/
CASE WHEN (IFNULL(RevisedEstimatedCost,0)) >= (IFNULL(CASE WHEN SourceCode = 'Blank' THEN Filter Rows.TransactionAmt end,0))

THEN (IFNULL(`RevisedEstimatedCost`,0))
ELSE (IFNULL(CASE WHEN `SourceCode` = 'Blank' THEN `Filter Rows.TransactionAmt` end,0))


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