Individual level Alerts


I am looking for some ideas/recommendations around configuring an Alert on an individual level and for escalation alerts.

For eg. I have 3 people working on their tasks with deadlines. If one person goes a week without delivering on time, that person gets the alert until its complete. if it crosses 2 weeks, the alert goes to the Manager.

Is this doable?

Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Yes, workflows would be the best solution for this and easier to maintain compared to the potential # of cards you might need to create if you went with card alerts.

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  • MarkSnodgrass

    There is a new feature called Workflows that could do this for you. I believe it is still in Beta, so you would need to ask your CSM if you can have access to it. Here is a link to the KB article.

    If that isn't possible, you could set up multiple cards that have alerts tied to them and would be filtered to the specific employee and then other cards for the manager with a separate criteria.

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  • shreeb
    shreeb Member
    edited October 2023

    I will look into workflows. I do see Workflows on my DOMO,but my instance does not have the feature available. Do I need to contact our DOMO Rep and see how to unlock this feature?

    this is very helpful. Thank you!!

  • shreeb

    Also, the above question is just an example. We have more scenarios we would want to create like this at the organization level. Will this help with that?

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Yes, workflows would be the best solution for this and easier to maintain compared to the potential # of cards you might need to create if you went with card alerts.

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