Creating Card filters on values currently absent from a dataset


Hello. I am trying to display a card that shows rows where are particular date column is absent of values.

Since null dates cannot be filtered on within cards, I have a Beast Mode formula that does the following:

IFNULL(STR_TO_DATE(Target Go-Live Date, '%d/%m/%Y'), 'Blank')

I am building out a card (for a Bar Chart, if it matters) to display records where the row's value is 'Blank' as this would be invalid. My dataset does not currently have any 'Blank' values, which is good and means users are adhering to processes! However, I want to configure this card to be prepared to "catch" mistakes in the future but consider the card "complete" in the meantime.

A similar question was asked in the past, but the answer assumed the ask was about Quick Filters. I would not want to use this as a Quick Filter. Is there a way to filter on values within a dataset if they are not currently present on the dataset?

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You could configure a beast mode to return the opposite and then do a NOT IN

    CASE WHEN Target Go-Live Date` IS NULL THEN 'Blank' ELSE 'Not-Blank' END

    Alternatively if you're wanting to do that exact value then set the Blank value for when it's populated. Do your filtering then change your beast mode back.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You could configure a beast mode to return the opposite and then do a NOT IN

    CASE WHEN Target Go-Live Date` IS NULL THEN 'Blank' ELSE 'Not-Blank' END

    Alternatively if you're wanting to do that exact value then set the Blank value for when it's populated. Do your filtering then change your beast mode back.

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