Is there a way to change the text in a legend?


The default text for some period over period charts is misleading. Is there a way to change the text while maintaining the same chart layout?

Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @nmizzell Unfortunately there is not much flexibility in the labels for Period Over Period charts. If you want to change it to a static name, you will have to switch to a different chart type and use a beast mode instead.


  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @nmizzell Unfortunately there is not much flexibility in the labels for Period Over Period charts. If you want to change it to a static name, you will have to switch to a different chart type and use a beast mode instead.

  • nmizzell
    nmizzell Contributor

    Thanks @MichelleH ! I will do that instead.