Help connecting to Google Ad Manager CreativeService needed


Hi community!

We need to capture the banner preview URL from Google Ad Manager. The field we need assetURL is not available in Google Ad Manager's report builder (so I can't use the Domo connector to pull it in as a GAM report), but based on the developer's documentation ( the code to access it viat the API is here (specifically SELECT, asset.image_asset.file_size, asset.image_asset.full_size.width_pixels, asset.image_asset.full_size.height_pixels, asset.image_asset.full_size.url FROM asset WHERE asset.type = 'IMAGE')

Our dev team has run into many issues trying to create custom script for this, and Google's team isn't very helpful. We're looking for any examples of how to connect to Google Ad Manager CreativeService. Do anyone have some that can be shared?

Best Answer


  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    Google typically has a really good Python packages which help to connect to their APIs. Has your dev team looked into using ?

    You could pair it with pydomo to upload the data into Domo.

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  • cthtcc

    Thanks @GrantSmith Our Web Dev Mgr was able to build a python script and then leverage Domo's CSV connector to pull the data in.