String Aggregation in Beast Mode


Hello everyone,

I am trying to come up with a table that shows the unique emails of subscribers, and to which partners they're subscribed to. I'm trying to concatenate the partner field so that those with multiple subscriptions will remain unique. Is there a way to do this in a beast mode? I saw in some training video that some functions that work in Magic ETL works in beast mode too even if they weren't listed there. I tried the following in beastmode, both were validated, but none worked in the pivot table:

  1. listagg('account_name')
  2. listagg('aacount_name) within group (order by 'email_plain')



I'm just wondering if listagg can be done in beast mode as it was validated or it only works in ETL and SQL


Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Listagg is not a supported function in beast mode. You can use GROUP_CONCAT in a MySQL dataflow as an alternative. You could also look to use the pivot/unpivot tiles in Magic ETL as another option.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Listagg is not a supported function in beast mode. You can use GROUP_CONCAT in a MySQL dataflow as an alternative. You could also look to use the pivot/unpivot tiles in Magic ETL as another option.

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  • marcel_luthi

    I've used LISTAGG in BeastMode with no issues in the past, even if not really a supported function, the only thing I couldn't select the character to use to join, so is always a comma delimited separated list, I also used DISTINCT in case multiple entries of the same might be retrieved. Here's the example that currently works for me:

    LISTAGG(DISTINCT Product ID.Product Family)

    Just keep in mind that unlike the ETL solution @MarkSnodgrass suggested, a BeastMode function list will be affected by card/dashboard level filters, so it might not show you a comprehensive list as an ETL one would, which depending on your use case might be desired or not.