SQL server what protocol is DOMOweb using to collect the data


Hi All,

I need some inputs in understanding the protocol Domo uses to fetch data from SQL Server .

If anyone can throw light on that

Best Answer

  • trafalger
    trafalger Coach
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    This can be done in a couple different ways, depending on where the SQL server is.

    If it's local, you can use Domo Workbench to query it and pull it into Domo.

    If it's in the cloud, you can use the SQL Server connector and just pull it in directly to Domo that way. Does that help?


  • trafalger
    trafalger Coach
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    This can be done in a couple different ways, depending on where the SQL server is.

    If it's local, you can use Domo Workbench to query it and pull it into Domo.

    If it's in the cloud, you can use the SQL Server connector and just pull it in directly to Domo that way. Does that help?