How to use multiple summary numbers (from different dataflows) to calculate a final value?


On a single dashboard, I have 3 different cards, each of which pull from a different dataflow.

Each card has a different summary number that I would like to use to calculate a final value on a Single Value card that I will place at the bottom of the dashboard.

For context, the first summary number is revenue, the others are two different cost buckets. Trying to get to profit, so SummaryNumber1 - SummaryNumber2 - SummaryNumber3.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @muahmmad_zaidi You will need to use another dataflow that combines the outputs of all 3 existing dataflows into a single dataset to power the Single Value card. I'd suggest using a Group by tile to replicate the summary number from each summary number, then join all the values together and use a formula tile to calculate profit


  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @muahmmad_zaidi You will need to use another dataflow that combines the outputs of all 3 existing dataflows into a single dataset to power the Single Value card. I'd suggest using a Group by tile to replicate the summary number from each summary number, then join all the values together and use a formula tile to calculate profit