Is it possible to load card data in google sheets using the DOMO Google Sheets extension?

Is it possible to load card data in google sheets using the DOMO Google Sheets extension?


  • If you want to power a card from data stored in a Google Sheet, you can use the Google Sheets Connector. There is also the Google Sheets Writeback Tile if you want your Google Sheet to be populated from a Domo Dataset, you can use the Google Sheets Writeback Tile.

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  • Hey @MarkSnodgrass, is it not possible to load card data to a Google Sheet?

    Does the Google Sheet Writeback only have ability to pull from the datasets or from a specific card too?

  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor

    To pull from a specific card and send it to a Google Sheet you would need a custom DDX Brick that when filtered can export (on a click event of some sort) to allow that functionality.

    The write back just pulls from a specific dataset and pushes all the data.

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