Look for text within multi-selection value

PJG Member

Hi all,

I currently have code like this, which converts some selection values to a shorter display value

when Business Division_p = 'Biologics' then 'Bio'

The problem is that the attribute is multi-selection, so when there is more than one value selected, there is no match. How can I change this line of code to look for text within the text of the selected options, instead of the entire selected options?


Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    you can use the like operator along with the % sign which acts as a wildcard

    when Business Division_p LIKE '%Biologics%' then 'Bio'
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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    you can use the like operator along with the % sign which acts as a wildcard

    when Business Division_p LIKE '%Biologics%' then 'Bio'
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