How can I change the order of columns in chart?

Hi guys, I have been trying to reorder my chart chronologically backwards. I have 3 columns that I want from left to right, Current Year, 3 years ago, 5 years ago.

The table is transposed. Every column header on the left (transposed) is a beast mode. I have tried clicking the arrows next to 'Year of Tour' and it never gets it in the right order. I have also tried dragging the column into the sorting section in analyzer and have tried every aggregation/ascending/descending combination.

Is there something in the 'Year of Tour' beast mode I need to add to get it in the right order? Is there a function in beast mode that can sort chronologically?

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    Create a new beast mode to return an integer based on the order and then use that in the sort of the card:

    CASE WHEN `Year of Tour` = '5 Years Ago' THEN 3
    WHEN `Year of Tour` = '3 Years Ago' THEN 2
    WHEN `Year of Tour` = 'Current' THEN 1
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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    Create a new beast mode to return an integer based on the order and then use that in the sort of the card:

    CASE WHEN `Year of Tour` = '5 Years Ago' THEN 3
    WHEN `Year of Tour` = '3 Years Ago' THEN 2
    WHEN `Year of Tour` = 'Current' THEN 1
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  • Yes, that's it. Not sure why I didn't think of that. Thanks Grant.