Seismogram Tutorial

Pris Domo Employee

Another alternative to the circle timeline, the seismogram is good for showing series where there are big variations in the data.

How to build in Analyzer:

  1. Select 'Bar' under 'Popular Charts' as the Chart Type
  2. Create Calculated Field named '-Sales'Sales/2
  3. Drag '-Sales' into 'X-Axis'
  4. Drag '-Sales' into 'Series'
  5. Turn on Tooltips. Drag 'Sales' into 'Tooltip Field 1'
  6. In Chart Properties, configure the following:
    1. Gridlines -> Zero Line Colour: White
    2. Gridlines -> 'Hide Gridlines' checked
    3. Gridlines -> 'Remove Min/Max/Avg Lines' checked
    4. Value Scale (X) ->  Show Label as 'Never'
    5. Hover Text Settings -> Hover Text as: %_CATEGORY_NAME Sales ($): %_TOOLTIP1
