Card Data

Hi Guys!

I have a warning about not all data being shown in my card although i have selected all rows. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

Thank you!!!



  • mhouston
    mhouston Contributor

    How large is your dataset? I believe this error is typically seen when your dataset is larger than the rendering limits on the card - all your data is there but your visual gets truncated. (see kb article for limits:

  • @Fadem your data is there it just can't show it all. Try doing an aggregation or providing filters for people when using the card and you will see all the data. You can also change what card type you are using. Are you using a Mega or Pivot table? I recommend using those and not the HTML table.

    **If this answer solved your problem be sure to like it and accept it as a solution!

  • Fadem
    Fadem Member

    @mhouston My dataflow was over a million rows and by only filtering on only unique values, I was able to fix that issue. Thank you so much!

    @Ashleigh Thank you so much! I actually prefer to always use HTML tables but didn't know that the Mega and Pivot Tables were limiting.