I Solved it with Domo Competition Details

AnnaYardley Community Forums Manager

Calling all community members, we want your insights to share on Domo.com's community blog. This competition is simple -- submit a technical solution and you could be one of our top entries highlighted and awarded at Domopalooza. This will provide great value to the Domo community as you participate.

Submission details:

What: Submit a short (150-500 words) description of a Domo solution that's helped you in your technical role. Please include the following: 

  • A Problem Statement: What task were you troubleshooting in Domo that kept coming up or was causing you headaches?
  • A Solution Statement: What did you discover in Domo that allowed you to do this? 
  •  Demo: Briefly describe (in words) OR include a short clip showing how you accomplished it
  • Hero Image (Optional/If Applicable): Include a design (600x400px) that showcases your solution. 
    1. If you need assistance in creating an image, please reach out to isolveditindomo@domo.com

When: Submit your article by February 28th. Early submissions welcome. Start thinking about your solution as soon as possible.

Where: Submit your articles via email to isolveditindomo@domo.com.

Why: Top articles will be posted on Domo.com's new Community Blog! By submitting to this competition, you're creating valuable content to help your fellow Domo community to be reviewed for years to come.


We appreciate you in advance for participating in the #ISolvedItWithDomo 2022 competition. We can't wait to highlight and award winners at Domopalooza in just a couple months. 

 Let's get creating!

Comment below if you have any further questions 👇🏼