Specifying Multiple Emails for Dataset Via Email Connector

Hi all,

I have a simple question, I'm making a Dataset Via Email connector and I want to specify certain emails to load the data from, however I'm not sure how to insert multiple emails in "From Email Address" in settings. For example, I want to include two emails, say  x@y.com  and z@y.com  in the "From Email Address" field in settings, however I'm not sure how to separate between the two, three, or more emails. Could someone direct me on how to do it? 



  • You don't have to specify where the email is coming from, as long as you send an email to a specific inbox, by default it will get added to that dataset.


    specifying email addresses to accept data from is a security feature to limit the risk of spam.  but you could define "email must have a specific subject" instead of specifiying the sender.



    Jae Wilson
    Check out my 🎥 Domo Training YouTube Channel 👨‍💻

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