Insert card while maintaining ratios

Maybe I am doing something wrong but when I already have a couple of cards and I insert an extra between them it takes up the existing space.
Resulting in cards getting smaller.

Only solution is to enlarge the cards from the bottom up so I can space it out.

Which takes a lot of work and doesn't seem to be the right solution.


Any ideas?

Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    If the existing cards are currently stacked vertically, you could try inserting a one-card layout in between the cards you instead of a card. That way it would split your existing cards into two separate layouts rather than trying to squeeze another card into the same amount of space.


  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    If the existing cards are currently stacked vertically, you could try inserting a one-card layout in between the cards you instead of a card. That way it would split your existing cards into two separate layouts rather than trying to squeeze another card into the same amount of space.

  • Thank you for your solution, that should work!

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