Please share a 1-2 min video of how your using Domo while working remotely

[Deleted User]
edited March 2023 in Scheduled Reports



We would love for you to share using Domo in a remote work world. In a coronavirus world. Either to streamline things...Or to manage their remote workforce. Or anything interesting like a grocery store and how they are figuring out how to stock shelves. Or a hospital managing their flow of people or inventory. Trailer managing their supply chain. Anything relevant. Let’s see how many 1-2 minute videos we can gather.


An iPhone selfie video will do!


Cannot guarantee any swag but certainly an @mention from our CEO on Twitter. Let's see what we can do!


Best Answer

  • [Deleted User]
    Answer ✓
    1. Please watch this video with instructions on how to create your video.

    2. You can view examples of other videos here
    3. After you have created and uploaded your #iSolveditiwthDomo video to YouTube, please send a link to 


  • [Deleted User]
    Answer ✓
    1. Please watch this video with instructions on how to create your video.

    2. You can view examples of other videos here
    3. After you have created and uploaded your #iSolveditiwthDomo video to YouTube, please send a link to 
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