New Column from Mapped Values -- Survey Monkey



We are working with survey data using the Survey Monkey connector. From the seven questions in the survey, we are interested in looking at the "Additional Comments" question by "Location". Unfortunately, the "Location" information is obtained through a question. This means that our data looks like this:


Respondent IDQuestion Response
11. What is your location?New York
17. Do You have additional Comments?The service was great
21. What is your location?Washington
27. Do You have additional Comments?The staff was great
31. What is your location?Philadelphia
37. Do You have additional Comments? 
41. What is your location?New York
47. Do You have additional Comments?I had a good experience


We would like to create a card with a table where the comments can be filtered by location. (See below)


LocationAdditional Comments
New YorkThe service was great
WashingtonThe staff was great
New YorkI had a good experience


So far we have not been successful at creating this table using the regular card building tools. Our quick solution was to create a mapping Respondent_ID/Location table using Domo cards, exporting the table into an excel file, uploading it as a data source, and combining this table with the original survey results using data fusion, which yields a table like this:


Respondent IDQuestion Response Respondent ID_2 Location_2
11. What is your location?New York1New York
17. Do You have additional Comments?The service was great1New York
21. What is your location?Washington2Washington
27. Do You have additional Comments?The staff was great2Washington
31. What is your location?Philadelphia3Philadelphia
37. Do You have additional Comments? 3Philadelphia
41. What is your location?New York4New York
47. Do You have additional Comments?I had a good experience4New York


While this works, the process is extremely manual and we are looking for something more streamlined. Is there an easier/more automatic way of doing this? Would it be possible to create a data flow for the ID/Mapping table and link it so that it updates the data fused table every time the survey is updated?


Thanks for any insights.




  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    Hi all,

    Can anybody help answer @juanfbages' question?

  • nalbright
    nalbright Contributor

    Juan, is your format in Survey Monkey for the location information a fill in space or a drop down box?  I must admit I've never used the survey monkey format, as I tend to be more on the excel side of business myself.

    "When I have money, I buy books. When I have no money, I buy food." - Erasmus of Rotterdam
  • It's a drop-down. What do you have in mind?



  • nalbright
    nalbright Contributor

    What I was wondering is whether there was any chance that the results you got could be displayed on a table where the location information could be sorted more easily than the manual way you are now doing it.

    "When I have money, I buy books. When I have no money, I buy food." - Erasmus of Rotterdam