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I have a page of cards with a page filter, however, I need to limit what can be seen/selected. The cards all have the column Region and show the following example data:




North and South are both allowed to see each others revenue. And East and West are both allowed to see each others revenue. But North and South may not see East and West revenue, and vice versa. 


I can make two different pages, one for North and South and another for East and West, but is there a way to use the same DataSet but hide other regions when using a page filter?


Just for the record, when I pull data from my source, Domo will not accept it if it has been pre-filtered.




Best Answer

  • AS
    AS Coach
    Answer ✓

    Have you looked into the PDP data security functionality yet?

    We used to use multiple filtered pages to solve this, but PDP really helped us streamline things.  Users can have access on the data level to whatever you want them to have and nothing else.

    MajorDomo @ Merit Medical

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  • AS
    AS Coach
    Answer ✓

    Have you looked into the PDP data security functionality yet?

    We used to use multiple filtered pages to solve this, but PDP really helped us streamline things.  Users can have access on the data level to whatever you want them to have and nothing else.

    MajorDomo @ Merit Medical

    **Say "Thanks" by clicking the heart in the post that helped you.
    **Please mark the post that solves your problem by clicking on "Accept as Solution"
  • That's exactly what I needed! Thank you!