YoY Variance: Trouble Excluding When Most Recent Week's Data is Absent

I've built a YoY variance chart for sell-out sales but problem is I'm using CURDATE for the most recent week and it's showing -100% until I upload the most recent sales data.


I've proposed the below but it's coming up with an error message. Any help is appreciated!


(CASE when (`Sales Week` like '%2018%' then `week_number`)=(`Sales Week` like '%2017%' then `week_number`) then

              SUM(CASE WHEN TRIM(YEAR(`Date`))=YEAR(CURDATE()) then (`Sell_out_value`) else 0



             SUM(CASE WHEN TRIM(YEAR(`Date`))=Year(ADDDATE(CURDATE(), interval -1 year)) then (`Sell_out_value`) else 0



else 0



  • BlueRooster
    BlueRooster Domo Employee

    Your exterior CASE WHEN has some syntax errors, but instead of trying to fix those, you might could try this:

    CASE WHEN `Sales Week` LIKE '%2018%' AND `Sell_out_value` IS NOT NULL THEN 
    SUM(CASE WHEN TRIM(YEAR(`Date`))=YEAR(CURDATE()) then (`Sell_out_value`) else 0



    SUM(CASE WHEN TRIM(YEAR(`Date`))=Year(ADDDATE(CURDATE(), interval -1 year)) then (`Sell_out_value`) else 0



    else 0


    Hope that helps,