

Trailing Twelve Month Average using month number 1-24

I'm looking for some assitance.  I'm trying to average totals over the previous 12 months, and the only field I can use to delimit the time is month # 1-24.  Has anyone run into this before?


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  • Domo Employee

    Can you provide an example of what data you have to work with? Column names, fake data? 


    That should help one of us get you what you need.




  • Thank you for your help.  I'm trying to create a dynamic beast mode that would allow me to average the previous twelve months starting with month 1 and going to twelve, then take month 2 through 13 average.  Sorry if I'm a little unclear.

  • Domo Employee

    Ah gotcha. If that's the case, you'll need to calculate your rolling average via eithe an ETL or SQL transform. That's not something you can accomplish when only using BeastModes.


    Take a look at this post where they set up a rolling monthly average, you would obviously need to tweak the timeframe to 12 months instead of 1, but this may help get you started:



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