Wrong data on datasets after fetching from Box

I have uploaded csv file on Box and when I am creating dataset using Box connector, the file which it is fetching is a data but incorrect. How do I fix it? I have attached screenshot of actual data that is uploaded on box and another data that is showing from datasets after Box is connected to fetch data from file on Box.


  • AS
    AS Coach

    Your descriptive information in the first row is assumed to be the header (column names), plus Domo is adding a few extra metainformation fields.

    Can you configure the connector to skip the first row of data and instead use the second row as the start?  Some connectors allow you to do this, including at least one version of the Box connector.

    MajorDomo @ Merit Medical

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  • DOMO is not adding any exta metainformation.


    I am extracting information from PSA Tool and the report has first row (summary) which I need to exclude. This first row is usless and want to fetch data from 2nd row onwards where the actual data lies.

  • have a similar problem - I use an SFTp to gather CSV files daily. Domo got the column names from the first row, then skip the second row and start to extract data only from the third row. Any idea how to fix this? - THANKS!

  • Sounds like you'll either have to

    1) change your data before it comes to Domo

    2) wrestle with connector settings

    3) fix it in ETL.

    Here's a tutorial outlining the 3rd option.


    Jae Wilson
    Check out my 🎥 Domo Training YouTube Channel 👨‍💻

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