Drill down by series

I have a card with Date X-axis and Amount Y-axis, sorted by separate series (Hits, Visitors, Pageviews, etc). I would like to create a drill-down path which selects the series I click on, such as Hits, and display the graph exclusively with that series. Currently selecting on the graph will display the date that was selected with all the series data for that date. Is it possible to create the drill down I want?




  • Are Hits/Visits/Pageviews values in a column, like "Traffic Metric Name"?  Or are they separate metrics on the same table?


    If they are separate metrics then the only real series is the date, and that becomes the filter used in the drill.  If they are values in a column and you're using that column as an additional series, then the drill filter will be both date and metric type.


    Drills always go in tighter to each series clicked on, but don't keep one series wide (like date) and the other series tighter (like metric name).  You'd probably want to use the card analyzer for that.  It's basically like picking a filter on the existing view, to focus on specific layers of that view to the exclusion of other layers.

    MajorDomo @ Merit Medical

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  • @SuzyCram, did @AS's reply help you out?

  • Yes thank you! The metrics are all different sets, so I will have to use the Analyzer. 

  • One way around this is to show the metric as a row lable and as a series value. For example, if you have a column called Metric Name which contains the labels Page View, etc, and a Value column that shows the values for those, and you have columns called Page View, etc with the values specific to those metrics you can drill to other metrics without have to narrow the filter by clicking on a single metric. 

  • @SuzyCram, tagging you to check out @Kung-fu_Panda's reply.

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