Conditional formatting in a table card

I like to show all data below target < 0 in Red and above in Green >0 in a Table card. Is it possible to do this? 


  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    Hi all,

    Can anybody help @HelenOBrien with their question?


  • can anyone help 

  • There is currently no option to display colors in a table card using the functionality present in the Domo interface. That said, it is technically possible to do it using HTML and beast modes, but that's not an approach we recommend you take. I wish I had a better answer for you than that.

    Nevertheless, I can definitely see the value of having the ability to do conditional formatting within a table card. That would be a very useful feature. To recommend new functionality for Domo, please visit the Dojo Ideas Exchange. You can search existing ideas and then vote for it if it matches what you have in mind. If you can't find it, please create a new idea, which can then be voted on by your fellow Dojo members by clicking the white arrow next to the idea.

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @HelenOBrien, did RabidCougar's reply help you out?

  • CASE
    WHEN `FieldName` < 0

    THEN CONCAT('<div style="background-color:#bbe491; text-align: right; text-decoration:none; font-weight: bold; width: 100%; height:100%; margin:-20px; padding:20px;"><a href="#">',`FieldName`, '</a></div>')

    WHEN `FieldName` > 0
    -- THEN CONCAT('<div style="background-color:#fcbcb7; text-align: right; text-decoration:none; font-weight: bold; width: 100%; height:100%; margin:-20px; padding:20px;"><a href="#">',`FieldName`, '</a></div>')


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