Track user Behavior on Embedded Dashboards
I do have some embedded dashboards into my website and member portal, how can I understand how they are engaging with those dashboards, where they click and how they are interacting with it. Like MS Clarity works. I tried using MS Clarity but since domo is embedded as a third party in iframe, MS clarity dont look inside…
Track user Behavior on Embedded Dashboards
I do have some embedded dashboards into my website and member portal, how can I understand how they are engaging with those dashboards, where they click and how they are interacting with it. Like MS Clarity works. I tried using MS Clarity but since domo is embedded as a third party in iframe, MS clarity dont look inside…
3rd Part Analytics tool: FullStory
Hi, I am integrating 3rd party analytics for my dashboards to see users behaviours on my embedded dashboards from domo. For that I am using FullStory and adding its scripts in iframe and main head section of parent page. Does this work with both public and private embedding right ? or only private embedding we can see…
Unable to send message from Iframe to parent
I am using window.postMessage() to do a communication between iframe and my custom parent app where I have embedded domo dashboard. Sending from DOMO DDX Brick: const message = "Message from child DOMO Brick"; window.parent.postMessage(message, "*"); And in my app I am getting it like this(where my dashbiard is embedded),…
Add a analytics tracker in the head of page
Hi, The dashboard I am embedding, I need to use analytics tracker to see user's behavior on the dashboards. For that I am using FullStory, and they have a script which we need to put inside the <head> tags both in the main page and inside the iframe/dashboard page. I can add that script inside the brick in iframe but…
DOMO Server side filtering
I am trying to make a programmatic filter, accesscode is generating successfully, but when i try to get the private dashboard, using this api endpoint (https://api.domo.com/v1/cards/embed/auth) I am hgetting the following error. The doc I am following is:…
Getting grammatical error/invalid error on domo query filters(where clause)
Hi, I am calling a query on my ddx brick using domo query functions. Now when i try to pass filters which actually are the where clauses in which my where conditons are defined as comma separated. all are with IN operand. but getting the following error: "DA0012: A filter was provided to filter the data but it contains a…
Capture filters on a page
I have a use case in which I need to Capture filters on a dashboard using a ddx brick, that ddx brick can be a invisible one at the bottom of page. What it will do is to capture any filters applied on the page by applying filters at the top or by choosing any card section to filter the dashboard and other cards. I will…
Unable to get the value of a canvas
Hello Gurus, I am trying to get a value of canvas which is coming as a aria-label using JS after the iframe is fully loaded. I have highligted the value which I need to get after iframe is fully loaded. For that I am using the following code snippet, in this code I am able to get the document part of the iframe, but when I…
Target a specific card value using ID or something.
On my embedded domo dashboard, I have a card which is showing unique participants calculated on domo. But on my platform, I need to apply a check on this specific count, if the count becomes less then 10 then I need some event to occur. How can I target this value, is there a way I can pass any data-value in canvas with…
Embedded DOMO dashboard not loading on click
Hi experts, I do have a system in which I am showing my 4 domo dashboards on one page via tabs. Each dashboard is embedded and does visible when we click on them and then I change the src attribute of iframe to load that embedded link. Now what's happening is that, when I first load the page using hard refresh, the first…
IFrame not loading
Hi, My embedded Iframes are loading perfectly fine on all browsers, even it is loading in incognito mode on edge browser too. However, iframe is failed to load in google chrome's incognito mode. I have found a solution that to add a "?preview=1" at the end of embedded url. But it is giving error that invalid pFilters. Is…
Count and Filter not working | DDX Donut Brick
Hi experts! I am using a mapbox donut cluster brick in domo on one of my dashboards. Now the dataset have lat, lng and user_ids. My assumption was that the donut will group the user_ids according to the lat/lng and further when I will zoom in it will make it divide into narrow down locations with their own count. But…
DDX Mapbox cluster
I am using a mapbox ddx cluster for one of my dashboards. Now by default, mapbox is taking three value from the data source, lat coordinates, lng coordinates and a value. When the combined together as a group and then it shows on map. And the further we zoom in, the value become split according to that specific…
IFrame inside HTML DDX Brick
Hello team, I want to use an iframe inside DDX html brick on domo app store, I can't find any way to do that, Could you help me to find a way. Thanks
How can I link between different dashboards within Domo
Hi, I have a scenario in which I need to link almost 3 dashboards, the first dashboard will load automatically, but other two sub-dashboards will be linked via tabs on the main page at the top of the dashboard. I am unable to find where to link and how to link to sub dashboards. The dashboard which I want to make like mine…
No Access issue on API Tokens
I have generated client secret and ID using my admin access domo account. But when I try to access the embedded dashboard with programmatic filtering in PHP Laravel, I am getting the following error, "You don't have access to any role/module. Please contact your company admin." I want to get an embedded dashboard with some…