APIs & Domo Developer

APIs & Domo Developer

Dashboard skipped filters and data got revealed


I am calling my every domo dashboard while passing my parameters to show the specific data to that user only. But one of my user have seen all the data on his dashboard, like for all the companies, not for his only company!

And this happened for only one user twice, and not happening again, we are trying to replicate it. Everything is okay from our side its working for all users but that specific user saw this thing.

Is there anything I can check from domo end, would that been happened on domo side too ? any idea to resolve this ?


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  • Are you using embed?

  • Yes, we are sending company ids every time we hit domo request. and showing them in iframes

  • Contributor

    What is the operator that you use? IN, EQUALS, CONTAINS or maybe NOT_EQUALS?

    You are also server-side rendering all the iframes right? If you are using pfilters instead of programmatic filters a user can remove the filter controls from their end as well.

    I do a lot of work with Domo Everywhere. If you want to send me some examples of the code that you are using I can attempt to debug it. matthew@clearsquare.co

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  • Contributor

    Any conclusion with this?

    im assuming it was an implementation mistake rather than a serious bug in domo?


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