Group By tile not working with large dataset
Hi, I have a dataset of about 4.7M rows. When I try to use the Group By tile in Magic ETL to find a sum of values across IDs, and then join back on the ID, the new sum column is blank. However, in testing, when I filtered the dataset down to about 50K rows to see what was wrong, the example ID I was checking now had the…
Calculating YTD for each week in table
Hi, I want to replicate a table that looks like this: My dataset currently has date, impressions, and goal, and in ETL I've mapped the dates to a week by joining with another table. How would I use beast mode to find the impressions to date for each week, as well as the delivery percentage of goal?
Exporting embedded card doesn't apply filter
Hi, I have an embedded Domo app. I have exportable cards enabled. However, when there is a filter set, and the card export shortcut button is clicked, the export shows all the data instead of the filtered data. Image attached to clarify which button I'm referring to. The only way to export the filtered card correctly is to…
Various visual tweaks
Hi, I have a few questions regarding dashboard/cards visualizations. Here is the exported version of of my dashboard: The 2 filled gauge cards (upper middle and upper right) are the same exact sizes in my dashboard. Why does the middle gauge appear slightly larger when exported? Is there a way to fix the size to make them…
Calculating percentage in beast mode based on count
Hi, I have a dataset that looks like this: Network Hour Date Avails A 1 1/1 2 A 2 1/2 4 B 1 1/1 6 B 2 1/2 8 C 1 1/1 10 C 2 1/2 12 C 2 1/2 12 The number of avails is the same for every row that has the same network, hour, and date. I need to write a beast mode that calculates the number of different rows that have the same…
Embedded Exporting
A feature that would allow users to export cards and pages to Excel, CSV, PPT, and PDF within embedded Apps.
Exporting cards/page from embedded Domo Apps
Hi, I have an app created in Domo Apps. It's a good way to organize a dashboard with many different cards, and the persistent filter across pages within an app is a great feature. However, currently it seems there is no way to export cards as Excel/CSV in an embedded app, nor can you export the entire page as a PDF. This…
Filter persistence between pages within App Studio
Hi, I'm starting to play around with the App Studio. I was wondering if it would be a good way to have multiple dashboards within one place. Is it possible to persist filters across these pages within the app? For example, if I select a campaign ID in one dashboard, and then navigate to another dashboard within the app…
Break out rows depending on columns having a value
Hi, I have a dataset that looks like this: Name ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 A 1 2 3 4 B 5 6 7 C 8 9 D 10 I want to break out these Names by the different IDs, like so: Name ID A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 D 10 How would I approach this in Magic ETL? Thank you.
ETL error: "failed to convert value 'Infinity' from type 'Floating Decimal' to type 'Fixed Decimal'"
Hi, I have a magic ETL dataflow. It has 2 input sources. There's a formula tile where we calculate a pacing percentage. (`Delivered Impressions` / (`Campaign Flight` - `Days Remaining`)) / (`Total Goal` / `Campaign Flight`) We've been using this dataflow and formula without any issue for months and now we're getting this…
Recover a deleted dataflow
Hi, I was doing some cleanup and deleted some datasets that resulted in the deletion of a dataflow. Is there a way to recover deleted dataflows? I noticed a deleted dataflow could be recovered if you find a link to it: —but I can't find a link to the dataflow I need. Thanks.
Combining two datasets based on two potential fields
Hi, I have two datasets. One has pacing data, the other has monthly data. All rows have unique IDs, however the pacing data may have either an ID from the old system (legacy ID) or the new system (new ID). Pacing: ID 1 2 3 4 11 Monthly: New ID Legacy ID 10 1 11 12 13 2 14 3 15 How would I go about joining these two…
Removing duplicates
Hi, I need help coming up with logic for this problem. I have a dataset that looks like this: ID Source 1 A 1 A 1 B 1 B 2 A 3 B I want to only remove rows from source A IF that same row is also in source B. Otherwise I want to keep rows unique to source A and unique to source B. The output should look like this: ID Source…
Making variable values the same as another column
Hi, I have a table full of hundreds of advertiser names. I would like to select an advertiser name in a dropdown control, and in the pivot table below, censor all the advertiser names to 'xx' and only show the advertiser name that's selected. I have created a beast mode that does this but I have 2 issues: How can I make…
Display table card in multiple "columns"
Hi, I have a table card with lots of rows. I'd like to be able to display ALL of the data in the table neatly when exported to Powerpoint. Is there any way to get a single table card to display in multiple "columns" like below? Slide 1: Slide 2, 3…N would be the same format, displaying the rest of the data. Is this…
Display active filters in excel/csv export
Hi, when you apply filters to a dashboard and export as PDF/PPT, the selected filters will be displayed on the export. Is there any way to do this for exporting as excel/csv? For example I have a table that I filter by date using a calendar filter card. When I export the table I'd like a cell, header, or tab name to…
Drill down into table
Hi, I have a table and I'd like the ability to click on a field and open a new view that shows a more granular table. My table looks like this: Account | Dollars If a user clicks on an account in the table, it will drill down into a new table: Account | Media Outlet | Dollars How can I achieve this? Thank you.
See dashboard/card insights?
Hi, I want to be able to see stats and insights on who in our organization is accessing dashboards and interacting with cards. What's the easiest method, and can I set up some kind of dashboard that allows us to see these stats? Thank you.
Pivot table show only certain value under specific column
Hi, I have a pivot table with different media types as columns, and 2 types of values, instances and revenue. I only want to show sum of revenue under TV media type, and only sum of instances under Internet media type. Is this possible with one chart?
Filtering on multiple datasets / changing default dataset
Hi, I have a dashboard with multiple cards. Each of these cards pull from different datasets, however they share many common fields. This is helpful when using global filters. When adding a filter, I select the relevant field, and then select all datasets so all the cards will be affected by this filter. However, then when…
Joining 3 different datasets to match zip codes
Hi, I have 3 datasets each with a column containing zip codes. I want to use ETL to create a new dataset with 3 columns, all containing the zip codes from each input lined up. Input: Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 5 4 4 6 5 Output: D1 D2 D3 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 Thank you
ZIP code leading zeros being removed
I'm adding a dataset with a column for zip codes. The leading zeros are being removed when the data is uploaded, is there a way to prevent this/change the formatting for that column?
Disable Variable Control under certain condition?
Hi, I have a dataset that contains Final data and Preliminary data. Final data contains both 1st party and 3rd party delivery, but Prelim only has 1st party. We have a dashboard that visualizes this data with a single select slicer that filters by either Final or Prelim. I have a variable control on our dashboard that lets…
"Jump" button that scrolls to section of dashboard
Hello, I have a dashboard that has a hefty amount of cards that are organized into sections marked by headers/borders. Is there a feature in Domo that allows me to add a button that users can click to automatically scroll down to a section? And in the same vein, perhaps a "back to top of page" button? This would make…
Splitting up multiple-value fields into multiple rows
Hello, I have a dataset like this: ID Num 1 10 2 20, 30 3 40, 50, 60 I want to use Magic ETL to break these out so each row has one "Num": ID Num 1 10 2 20 2 30 3 40 3 50 3 60 Thank you
Card filtering in analyzer
Hi, I have a table with null values in some columns. I want to show only the null values. When I filter in the null values in analyzer nothing shows up. Beast mode also doesn't work. Any ideas?
Toggle series in bar chart
Hi, I have a bar chart that has a goal as the y axis and then a current total as the series (as well as the difference between goal and total. We also have another field in the data that has a different calculation of the total. I was wondering if it is possible to have a card on the dashboard that allows us to toggle…
Roll up rows in table chart with similar fields
I have a dataset of brands and corresponding data. I would like to have any rows with the same ID and device to be summed up and in one row. I don't want to use ETL for this because there is another column that distinguishes these rows so they may need to be filtered separately at times. Thanks
Dropdown selector filter card not displaying all values
It's not that many, not sure why there not all populating. Thanks.
Converting string to date
Hi, I know there's a STR_TO_DATE function but maybe I could use more insight because it's not working. I have a date field that looks like this: 8-1-22 I want to convert this to a date. How can I achieve this with a ETL formula tile? Thank you.