Variable Control Title and Descriptions - Ability to Format Text
The current way that Variable controls show up on a dashboard are non-configurable. To add to this, they look completely different than the current Dropdown Selector Filter Cards. My ask would be to allow formatting for the Variable Title and Description to be selected when Editing the Dashboard, with the following types…
Allow Brand Kit Font in App Studio
As an App Studio Designer I want to use the font installed in Brand Kit, in App Studio In order to follow company brand guidelines within the Domo platform Background: Currently you can install a custom font in Domo with Brand Kit. This font change applies in many areas of the Domo Platform. In App Studio, you can select a…
Google Sheets - Metadata Import
As an analyst I'd like to import metadata about the Google Sheet as columns Metadata like: Google Sheet Name, Google Sheet Tab Name, and any other attributes that might be available In order to do automated data quality checks, and provide enhanced exploration on data sourced from Google Sheets
Subpages for Pages in AppStudio
"Currently using tabs for this, but client has big desire for mobile, and some tabs don't make sense to have in mobile but you can't disable tabs in mobile only pages. Ideally I would actually love for tabs to be treated as pages (both would obviously be best for flexibility) but things like importing dashboards would be…
Confirmation Dialog for Convert to App button
As a Domo Editor I'd like to receive a dialog that explains what the "Convert to App" button does and that it cannot be Undone In order to prevent myself from converting a Domo Brick to an app inadvertently, or without understanding the consequences of clicking the button.
App Studio - Allow more than one user to edit at a time
As an App Studio Designer I want to edit an app with my team In order to create better apps for my stakeholders Background: Working as part of a large team of talented Domo designers, it is challenging to work in App Studio even within a team of two to three people on an App Studio App due to this limitation. If this is to…
App Studio - Link to Apps as Content
As an App Studio Designer I want to be able to select a different App as Content in the "Open Content > Open Any Content" dialog In order to allow users to navigate between Apps Background: Currently within App Studio, you can upload an image, or set a link in a Notebook card. When uploading an image, under Actions, you…
Ability to Export / Import Custom Themes in AppStudio
Allow users the ability to Export and Import their Custom Themes from AppStudio as a file This would Allow: Custom themes to be portable across instances. If the file were readable text (JSON/YAML/Markdown) it would allow efficient edits via text editor/script, and sharing via code blocks in forums / Slack
App Studio Tab Hover Text
As an App Studio Designer I want to provide optional Hover Text on tabs In Order To make Apps more interactive for data consumers.
Increase Variable Description Display Options
Currently if your Variable Description is too long, it just cuts off with … and there is no hover interactivity. Please allow more display options for the Variable control descriptions on a dashboard, such as word wrap or display on hover.
View as user or view as role
As an Admin / Major Domo I want to view my Domo Instance from the perspective of a selected user or role In order to ensure their experience aligns with what is expected. (Dashboards, cards, pages, features, etc. that they should see are there, and those they should not see are not visible.)
Please consider the implementation of a NUMBER_FORMAT function in Beast Mode in the same vein that we have DATE_FORMAT and TIME_FORMAT. This would take a number, and based on parameters, format the number (add thousand separator commas, percent sign, currency sign). Numerous discussions have been had in the forums about…
Add and Remove Dimensions via Control on Dashboard
As a Data Consumer, I want to have controls that allow me to add or remove dimensions on a card within the dashboard, So that I can tailor the data view to explore various perspectives or drill down into specifics. This flexibility helps me perform individual analysis or combine different dimensions to gain a comprehensive…
Control for Chart type Change on Dashboard/App
This would be similar to the already existing chart chooser that is available in the detail view of a card. Additionally allowing data consumers to pick and customize their view of the data at the app/dashboard level via controls that would be customized and placed by AppStudio designers. As a data consumer, I want to have…
Dropdown fields / Data Validation via Webform
It would be great to have the ability to create dropdowns or do data validation in webform cells.
Maintain tile position when copy and pasting Magic ETL tiles
When working with large enough groupings of tiles, or groupings near the bottom of the canvas in Magic and copy/pasting, there is a tendency for tiles being pasted on the canvas to be squished into the bottom. This can be a pain to untangle and reposition the grouping. It would be helpful if by default or through maybe a…
Filter using Slicer Card and Variable as the Input
I have a dashboard that I would like to display that has multiple dimensions (Var1) that I would like to see such as Region, state, and department. I would like to then use the populated list of items from Var1 as a filter card in the page. The filter card would be, a list of regions, states, or departments that populate…
Provide details on when Domo will attempt to run a dataset again
As an Admin or Editor I want to see the details of when Domo will attempt to run a dataset again. In order to know if I should try to manually kick off a dataset, or wait for Domo to run it. Currently the Interface shows this when there is an isssue: When clicking view details, it takes you to the History tab. I would like…
Resize elements in Dataset Lineage View
As a Domo user I want to be able to resize the right-, and left-hand navigation elements in the Lineage view of the dataset. /details/data-lineage In order to view the full name of datasets that have long prefixes. In the example below, datasets prefixed RAW_WebsitePerformance_GoogleAnalytics_****** you cannot…
Edit Cards in Domo Mobile App
As a Domo Card Editor I would like to create content (use Analyzer) in Domo on a mobile device (iPad) in the Domo Mobile App In order to stay within the Domo Mobile App while using the product
Jason Altenburg - RXA
Hiya! I'm Jason Altenburg, Senior Manager, Business Intelligence at RXA, a Domo and BI Consulting organization specializing in data science, data engineering, and business intelligence. I've been using Domo since 2016 during a data transformation initiative at La-Z-Boy Incorporated where I was a Business Analyst and then a…
Dynamically Compare the Value of two periods
I would like to be able to dynamically change between two periods, such as in this forum post on the PowerBI forums, what would be the best way to accomplish this in Domo? Use case might be: As a sales manager I want to compare sales between two non-consecutive periods (ex. Jan 1 - 4 2023 compared to Mar 19 - 22 2023)…
Toggle warnings on card
In Analyzer Card Properties, allow users to toggle warnings such as "dataset contains negative values", or "warning not all the data is shown" off.
How do I get my bar chart to plot along a minute-by-minute x axis
Test Question
Trim 2 characters from right side of string using Workbench
I have a dataset that appends every day and I want to remove 2 characters (.0) from the right side using Workbench. I thought this would be simple, but Search & Replace does not allow replacing with null, and replacing with a space or other character is also undesirable. Is there a way to use any of the Workbench…
Dashboard display based on current time
I have a dataset with "Shift 1" and "Shift 2" values in the "Shift" column. Shift 1 is midnight-noon and Shift 2 is noon-midnight. what do you think the best way to have that dashboard update and only show the current shift based on the current_time would be, ideally using a beast mode so that during shift 2 you could…
How do I create this dual x-axis type of chart in Domo
How can I create this chart in Domo? How would my data need to be structured?
Handle NULL in Magic
It would be nice to have a tile, or an option in Alter or Join tiles to mass handle NULL values. I understand that I can use a formula for every column as follows but after about 3 columns it gets tedious. case when `col1` is NULL then '' else `col1` end
Dataset not showing up in Dataset Picker in Workbench 5
We have a user trying to update a dataset in Workbench 5. There was a JSON job file that was left. When we open the JSON file, it is pointing at a different dataset. The dataset we are trying to update does not show up in the Dataset Picker list. The dataset type is excel.