App Studio - Link to Apps as Content

As an App Studio Designer

I want to be able to select a different App as Content in the "Open Content > Open Any Content" dialog

In order to allow users to navigate between Apps


Currently within App Studio, you can upload an image, or set a link in a Notebook card. When uploading an image, under Actions, you can select "Open content". You then get a sub-dialog that allows you to either:

  1. Open page in app (This is only any page within the current app)
  2. Open any content
  3. Open URL

When selecting "Open any content" you get a dialog that allows you to pick various types of Domo content, but you are unable to select a different Domo App.

Confusingly, you have the options to Select in the Filter dropdown, a section called "App" that then lets you link to connectors in the App Store. Searching for any App yields no results. This forces a user to utilize "Open URL" and find the URL to the App which I have found to have mixed and unexpected results across desktop, mobile, and iPad.

This same "Select content to link to" dialog appears when attempting to link from a Notebook card, with the same results

In my app "App Link Demo 1" I want to link to my App "AppLinkTarget" within the same instance.

Screenshot of AppLinkTarget:

Screenshot of App Link Demo 1 Open Any Content search, in which "AppLinkTarget" App cannot be selected or found.

Screenshot of App Link Demo 1 "Edit hyperlink" dialog from Notebook Card:

Screenshot of App Link Demo 1 "Select content to link to" dialog, in which "AppLinkTarget" App cannot be selected or found.

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Submitted and awaiting review from product team · Last Updated