@art_in_sky glad to hear that it worked out!
I think you could re-install the brick, then copy your code from the apps files. To download the apps files, go to More > Asset Library Click on the triple dots on the app that was created from your brick, and click Download Assets Unzip that file, and copy and paste back in the contents of index.html, index.css and…
I'm not seeing any way to convert back, or undo. Considering there was no confirmation dialog this was a surprise to me! I put an idea into the Ideas Exchange for this here: Confirmation Dialog for Convert to App button — Domo Community Forum
@RobertPenridge Whoa that sounds incredibly complex! With that context added really shows how implementing these ideas would help enhance the value your stakeholders would get from Domo!
Hi @sjani I think you're looking for advertising_channel_type let me know if this doesn't contain the values you're looking for.
Hi @Atieh can you please describe what your desired output might look like? Some options I'm thinking about based on what you have typed: Would you like to divide the spend across the multiple rows on table 1? … or would you like to append the row from table 1 with a unique identifier so that you don't get inflated spend…
You could certainly download, re-upload, and then create a dataflow that appends your scheduled data to your newly uploaded dataset. If your datasets are the result of a dataflow, you could also use a recursive dataflow where you use the dataset as it's own input and output, then filter out the rows you don't want to keep.…
@RobertPenridge Great ideas! Wanted to add some info here for you or others that might find this thread: For option 1, if your business has a rule for which day of the week your weeks start, or has specific week boundaries for a fiscal calendar, check out this article, Domo can get your fiscal calendar installed into your…
In 8 years of Domo I've not seen that behavior… I'd suggest opening a support ticket on that one!
I think this is what you want: MAX(CASE WHEN `Disposition` IN ('Neutral', 'Bad') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER (PARTITION BY `Name`) This formula does the following: It checks each user's "Disposition" for "Neutral" or "Bad". If found, it returns 1; otherwise, 0. The OVER (PARTITION BY 'Name') ensures this check is done per…
I'm not sure it fits this use case, but want to point out that in addition to Workbench, there is the less well-known Workbench Enterprise which may provide you more flexibility: Workbench Enterprise | Implementation Guide (
I think you are looking to use the lag function within the Rank & Window tile. Here are the configurations, and previews, in a sample dataflow for your reference. Hopefully this is helpful.
Hi @TanyaB I'd suggest taking a look at this page for more detail on how to do Period over Period transforms: Sample Beast Mode Calculations: Period-over-Period Transforms ( I think what you're asking about here is in the section: Variance % ((CY - PY)/PY)
@Eddie Small / @AndreaHenderson wondering if you could help find who's currently working on form builder that could chime in on if this support article is still relevant?
Awesome! can't wait for these to kick off!
For anyone curious, here is the other idea on the forum that is being referenced: MagicETL Recipes — Domo Community Forum
@Siva_Divvela please see this idea, would love for you to add your comments and upvote for additional visibility: View as user or view as role — Domo Community Forum
Agree with everything ArborRose is saying here and would add to double-check your assumptions that all these values are ready for math. Are they actually numbers or are you converting a string value via beast mode? Do you have extra spaces after those values of 9/6 there?
Howdy @nmizzell PDP is available for Column Policies / Masking, (edit) it is in Beta see this KB: Personalized Data Permissions (PDP) ( I would suggest reaching out to your CSM/AE to enable this for you. Hopefully this is helpful!
Love this, I've been telling folks about it all week!
No opinions on SCORM, AI, avatar, etc. but from a video content creation aspect, OBS + Davinci Pro is an incredibly flexible stack. I bet there are plugins using these that would allow what you're looking for. I also really love SnagIt for quick videos, annotation, and screen grabbing. Another crazy thing I saw recently is…
It looks like there is a "by month" or date dimension you are not including in your question that is relevant. Is there a date dimension to this? What is the granularity (frequency) of the data? Is it transactional, weekly, monthly, etc? I think you want to do this at the dataflow level if possible and have a "units…
I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but take a look here at 19:04 to get started thinking about how to use Variables to accomplish this. I have used this in the past and it has functioned well. I think you can accomplish this with variables, but setting the period and previous period to be dynamic might be…
This is a really great idea and would help users get from connector → source rather quickly especially in the Sharepoint example you mentioned.
Welcome @Data_Devon happy to have you as part of the community!!
Oh I see, so are you looking for this to be a feature in the chart properties? If so, would suggest submitting via ideas exchange. Something like "Always show all series" so that the viz would prioritize the labels vs the pie size? I've seen as I resize the window/move things around that the Domo viz will shrink/expand…
There is a Google Sheets writeback connector, and a Google Sheets Writeback Tile. Not sure if this might be helpful?
Can you provide a bit more context about what is the question here? I am seeing different results depending on screen size and options selected.
Are you certain this is a Domo issue and not an Excel issue? In my experience, this issue can arise if you are opening a csv in Excel with raw numbers greater than 15 digits, then saving it in an excel type format. See this article for additional info.
I think it would be greatly useful to be able to toggle between standard and fiscal calendars at the dashboard level, and have heard clients request this feature as built-in functionality as well.