Magic ETL Canvas Settings in bulk
The ability to turn on Larger Grid and Grid Lines to all of a user's ETLs (my preference) or user selected ETLs in Magic. Currently users have to do this ETL by ETL. My belief is that if a user wants the grid enabled for one of their ETLs, they would probably want it enabled for all of them.
Permanently dismiss App Studio banner
The stock photo woman with glasses has been replaced with the "Getting started with App Studio". I have clicked the x multiple times and it keeps coming back.
Need more real estate and more customization in Left Nav
The left nav is right out of the box already out of space for adding custom pins. As you'll see in the screenshot below, none of my added pins show up on the left nav, I have to select the "All Navigation Items" icon to see them. I think the icons marked in orange below could definitely be moved into the "features" or "all…
Admin managed section in left nav
Similar to the company managed dashboards section, a section in Left Nav that admins control. I know ya'll are aware of the need but wanted to make sure it was documented here in the Ideas Exchange.
Creating a card alert on card powered by Dataset View
Can you not create an alert on a card built from a dataset view???
Option to hide appendix from scheduled reports
The ability to choose to hide or unhide an appendix from dashboard scheduled reports. Also, thinking ahead to Report Builder, the same functionality - hide appendix from reports.
Alphabetize Share App "Shared" list
Hard to manage who an app is shared with when it isn't in alphabetical order.
What does your landing page look like?
Looking to get some inspiration to revamp our landing page in Domo. Would love to see, or have you describe, what you've put on yours and why? Looking to get more value out of the first page everyone sees when logging in. Or do you have a different page for each user/group? Please share what is working for y'all!
Turn off AI Chat in Domo
Has anyone figured out how to remove AI Chat from Domo? I can only find where you turn off generative AI completely but that still doesn't remove the feature from the top nav.
Force a filter selection on filter card
I need (and have often needed) a way to force a selection on a filter card for a dashboard. I know I can set default values, but I need a way to ensure at least one selection is always made. Anyone found a workaround here?
Ability to turn off the "REQUEST MORE ACCESS" button for Social users
We have over 1,200 social users and it is a headache to deal with so many users clicking this button on a weekly basis.
Edit Annotations
I would benefit from the ability to edit annotations. Currently the only option is to delete an annotation and create a new one.
Fix the buggiest card type in Domo: The Text Card
Text cards are so incredibly buggy. Text randomly deletes. Text updates don't save. You hit backspace once while typing and it blanks out the entire card. Formatting doesn't save after being applied. They are so so buggy. And they seem to be even more buggy when used in App Studio.
Can an App be set as the default landing page?
Has anyone found a way to have an App be the default landing page for a user/group/instance upon logging in to Domo?
Dataset alerts: Henry Schein One
In this video, I share how Domo's card and data set alerts have been a game-changer for managing his team’s content. Rather than checking daily for changes, we can rely on alerts to notify us the moment something unexpected happens—like when a card was accidentally added to a main landing page. Thanks to these alerts, we…
Maintaining old content
Looking for ideas on how you are ensuring all of the content you create remains up to date? Weekly I get an email/teams message asking why something on a card/page/app is wrong. I hate that we are always reactive and want to find a process to be more proactive. I feel like each time this happens trust in data/Domo…
Multi-select in People
Multi-select in People in the Admin settings doesn't function properly. When you search for and select a user, previous selections are deselected. Would love for this to be fixed.
Gantt chart extra spacing
Anyone know if it is possible to get rid of this spacing at the top of each series on gantt charts (highlighted in light purple)? It is only at the top of each section but not the bottom.
Automatically add new fields from input datasource to dataset view
Makes no sense that fields added to an input datasource to a dataset view don't automatically get added to the dataset view. Huge headache to have to go into the dataset view and add a field every time the input dataset has a field added.
Identify Column vs Row PDP policies
PDP icons appear on cards, but they don't indicate if row level or column level PDP has been applied. If the help text could be updated to display which has been applied that would be helpful for end users.
Get rid of filter icons in app studio apps?
I cannot figure this out. In story dashboards you can disable filter and pdp icons from showing over each card impacted. Additionally, I can't figure out how to clear filters from the app.
Dataset/Dataflow update trigger expirations
It would be very helpful, especially as customers move to consumption, to have advanced dataset update controls to have triggers expire. As an example, I have survey data that I want to update frequently during the survey window, but then stop once the survey has ended and no new data will be added. Right now my option is…
Auto add card to every page
Our legal dept. is asking us to add a legal disclaimer to every page in Domo. We have hundreds of pages and this would be a nightmare to manually do and then remember to add each time a new page is added. Anyone know of a way to auto-add a card to the appendix of every dashboard?
Add proxy logins from domosupport to activity log domostat
Currently the only way to see proxy logins is via the activity log in the admin section. I would like to be able to see proxy login information in the activity log domostats so I can setup alerts, build reports, etc… using that information.
More Grants
Lately I've been running into limitations on custom roles due to the lack of some grants. Mainly around a "view only" user experience. Many actions are tied to development activities. For example, to be able to share pages, you also have to be able to edit pages. To be able to share cards, you have to be able to edit…
Tab Autocomplete Messed Up
For years when pressing tab on the keyboard when in a DOMO code editor it has functioned like an auto complete or a tab space entry, however recently this functionality has broken. Tab no longer autocompletes nor does it allow to add quick spacing for code readability. Instead, it moves to the next element in the beastmode…
Turn on/off Magic ETL tiles
It would be really helpful to have the ability to turn on/off Magic ETL tiles. This is the equivalent of commenting out lines in a SQL dataflow so they don't execute when the dataflow runs but the effort in that section of the ETL is not lost and can easily be re-added.