What does your landing page look like?

Looking to get some inspiration to revamp our landing page in Domo. Would love to see, or have you describe, what you've put on yours and why? Looking to get more value out of the first page everyone sees when logging in. Or do you have a different page for each user/group? Please share what is working for y'all!

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Best Answers

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @ColemenWilson Here are some of the things we show on our landing page for all users:

    • Embedded Domo training videos for general navigation and interacting with cards
    • FAQs - What is Domo, why do we use it, how often do our primary data sources refresh, where to go for help, etc.
    • Links to the most viewed cards/dashboards from the past 30 days
    • General announcements

  • DashboardDude
    Answer ✓

    @ColemenWilson this is what I setup for my clients right away.

    John Le

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  • Data_Devon
    Data_Devon Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Ours is pretty straight forward - basically just a "front door" to Domo with minimal options. This will be a fun thread to follow to hopefully revamp ours:

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  • ccccc4
    ccccc4 Member
    Answer ✓

    At the top of our landing page, I organized all our key pages into sections using table cards. Each page name is a link to open that page in a new tab. I'm also using PDP for the dataset, so users only see the pages they have access to.

    Further down the page, I have a section with buttons/links to some of our external tools, and a section where I embedded some user tutorial videos from the knowledge base.


  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @ColemenWilson Here are some of the things we show on our landing page for all users:

    • Embedded Domo training videos for general navigation and interacting with cards
    • FAQs - What is Domo, why do we use it, how often do our primary data sources refresh, where to go for help, etc.
    • Links to the most viewed cards/dashboards from the past 30 days
    • General announcements

  • DashboardDude
    Answer ✓

    @ColemenWilson this is what I setup for my clients right away.

    John Le

    Are you on my newsletter? If not, signup here so you don't miss out on my Domo tricks, alerts about my webinars, cooking tips and more

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  • Data_Devon
    Data_Devon Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Ours is pretty straight forward - basically just a "front door" to Domo with minimal options. This will be a fun thread to follow to hopefully revamp ours:

    ✅Did this solve your problem? Accept it as a solution!

    ❤️Did you love this answer? Mark it as "Awesome"!

    👍Do you agree with this process? Click "Agree"!

  • ccccc4
    ccccc4 Member
    Answer ✓

    At the top of our landing page, I organized all our key pages into sections using table cards. Each page name is a link to open that page in a new tab. I'm also using PDP for the dataset, so users only see the pages they have access to.

    Further down the page, I have a section with buttons/links to some of our external tools, and a section where I embedded some user tutorial videos from the knowledge base.