Ran into a use case for this today. Hoping to see this soon!
Yes there is! More > Admin > Scheduled Reports
The stock photo woman with glasses has been replaced with the "Getting started with App Studio". I have clicked the x multiple times and it keeps coming back.
A team member of mine reminded me that you can do this using the error function in Magic ETL
Yes. You can pivot out the data so that every city is it's own row of data. You can do this in Magic ETL using the Split Column and Dynamic Unpivot tiles. 1. Split the values into new columns using the Split Column tile. Be sure to choose "|" as the delimiter. 2. In the Dynamic Unpivot tile, choose your Project # and…
Commenting to bump this and hope that it gets renewed interest. @AndreaHenderson now that we have sections, the ability to comment those out and/or hide them would be awesome.
Ah you are right. That is odd! I like your ETL route. Lots of options there to add fields. Since you can't surface tags, the other options I recommended may have to do for now. You can also reach out to Domo to request Tags be added to the Domostat. You could also submit an Idea in the ideas exchange:
As mysteriously as she appeared…she left.
For projects, there is no start date, only the created date of the project. For tasks, there is no start date, only created, updated and due dates. If I were wanting to track start dates, I would run the Domostats report "Tasks" through a Magic ETL dataflow that appends each update. I would then use the MIN updated date…
No option to create an alert. What is weird is I tried with a different Dataset View and was able to create an alert. Perhaps I will open a support ticket with Domo.
@ArborRose I referenced that but don't see where it says Dataset Views are excluded. This is what I mean when I say Dataset View:
@nathankilcrease on my team figured out a way to do this for App Studio Apps, and if you ask nicely he may share how he did it. You'd need to build this in a Jupyter Workspace and it's a bit complicated. Also, @DanBrinton @Tasleema you guys are probably tired of me tagging y'all but here is another Domostats need.
You can use a FIXED function:
Thank you @ST_Superman! All these years later your post helped me out with this exact issue!
You can reach out to your CSM to enable the Google Sheets Writeback connector. There is a cost associated. If you are on the consumption model of Domo then it is free to use but you'll still need to reach out to your CSM.
I don't know why it isn't aggregating in the table view, but I do know that putting the logic in Magic ETL would solve the issue.
There is a Domo Governance report called "Beast Modes With Fields". There are fields in this report to identify the dataset, along with a field called Beast Mode Formula that has the formula being used in the calculated field. You can search the string for MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG, etc…
Nice! Are you on a user license model or consumption? If you're on consumption, you may think of standing up a sandbox/education instance so users can level up without breaking anything in the process!
@Data_Devon could you share a bit more about this group? How do you intend to use it? To me, a group in Domo has the primary function of sharing content with a large number of people at once. For your super users, I wonder if a custom Domo Role would be appropriate? We call our super users "Power Users" and have a teams…
@SarahR365 That is the view as user/view as role idea and I have actually seen a preview of this and it is going to be awesome! Not sure on release timeline yet but @DanBrinton is working on it. Here is what we use for the Viz editor role: And the API grant, in my opinion should be turned off, thanks for getting me to…
I am not sure what the terminology Domo has for these, but once a card is deleted, the space is still occupied by a box of the same size waiting to be loaded up with a text box, image, new card, etc… You have to delete this spacer thing after deleting the card. If that doesn't solve it, I would save and exit out of the…
There are not separate grants to view datasets and edit datasets…yet. I know @DanBrinton is exploring it. For now what you can do it set them up as a visualization editor. They can create and edit cards and dashboards without accessing the datasets in the data center. When they go to create a card, they will be able to…
After you select the app and click next, you'll see in the bottom right the option to choose which app pages to import:
The closest thing to this would be a pivot or mega table. You can play around with them to get the formatting close to this. Otherwise you would need to create a custom visualization using a DDX brick - which kind of seems like more effort than it would be worth.
I use the Smartsheet connector heavily at my org and haven't had issues. Are you using the report "Sheets - Single Sheet"? Have you ensured that the sheet is shared with the user you are using to connect to Domo? When you view your sheet in grid view in Smartsheet do you notice any strange formatting? Have you altered your…
@eburns I love that idea! And I second that the more visibility into credit usage the better!
It looks like your date value is actually a string. You can convert it to a date with a beast mode: DATE(`yourDateField`) Once you do that, the quick filter control changes and you shouldn't have the issue you've been experiencing because your quick filter control will look like this:
Are you referring to the new icons? That seems very unlikely. It is being widely celebrated as a win by Domo. And with so much effort going into such a minor change, it is likely to go away.
I don't see anything wrong in your beast mode code other than perhaps a space between CURRENT_DATE()) & AND here: MONTH(`SSD`)<=MONTH(CURRENT_DATE())AND . It would be helpful to see a sample of your data.
Odd. What happens if you toggle "Show filter and PDP icons" on or off?