Can you share a screenshot of your analyzer view? For your second question, I would a multi-value gauge card. I like using these to show a single variance between two values. Your beastmode should work, you need to include year in your beastmode logic as well or else values from other years would be included.
Yep! If it increases by at least 1 it will trigger. So from 0 to 2 will trigger the alert.
Would changing it to Summary number increases by 1 meet your needs?
Do you have any sorting applied to your card? Is your field set to some kind of aggregation like Count? It would be helpful if you could include a screenshot of your analyzer setup.
I am seeing annotations on my dashboard PDF exports. I am also seeing them on scheduled reports. I am not seeing card descriptions on either. I would double check your annotation settings and perhaps reach out to Domo Support if you are still not seeing them.
MAX(CASE WHEN all of your other logic AND yourDateField <= LAST_DAY(CURRENT_DATE()) - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND yourDateField >= LAST_DAY(CURRENT_DATE()) + INTERVAL 1 DAY - INTERVAL 2 MONTH THEN your other logic END
Whenever the dataset powering the card with the NOW() function updates the current time will update. So you could set the dataset to update every 15 minutes to get more updated time.
Oh interesting, I thought your values were just: 2023, 2024, etc… I didn't realize they were in date format. Could you provide a screen recording of what you are seeing along with the underlying fields?
Romania and Albania!
I am unable to replicate this issue. I would recommend submitting a support request to Domo Support.
Try creating a beastmode for the field that has the 2,024 value: yourField * 1 And then use that as the filter for the card and the comma should disappear. Another option is: REPLACE(yourField,',','') The other option is to change the data type of the field in Magic ETL to an integer.
@ellibot did a demoslam at Domopalooza this year on conditional rendering that you may be able to use accomplish this. Was the demoslam recorded @Eddie Small? If not, hopefully Elliott can help ya out!
You can do this with quick filters. Click Select All for the quick filter in analyzer view and then save the card. All data will still be shown and once one is selected, it will filter for that value.
Yes, but does it differ at all from a normal card view? Is there a way to know that it was viewed in excel?
Did some testing here and the closest you can get in the activity log is to look in the Browser_Details field. I believe there will be a unique (or unique-ish) value there for this type of activity. You could look for that exact match or may notice a pattern if you have a few users doing this it will likely be a similar…
Yep! You can use the "Cards and Datasets" report from the Domo Governance Datasets connector. This will give you every card and its associated dataset. You can then use the activity log report from Domostats connector to group the total views by card ID and then join with the Cards and Datasets dataset on Card ID. You…
I used a DDX brick + a webform. This is the DDX brick I am using: For your webform, you'll also want a column with values that can correspond to a PDP policy. My Webform: DDX Brick code: Javascript: var domo = window.domo; var datasets = window.datasets; var myDataTable = document.getElementById('myDataTable'); // Data…
Chart Properties > General > Transpose
Not really. You could get creative with images though. For example, I have a page in Domo where an image in the top left of the page changes depending on what product is selected. You could do the same and have a dynamic image that changes based on which user logs in.
Do you see it through the Domostats connector? I find that more helpful than the activity log in Admin because it is a dataset that can be joined with other data sources.
For cards you can look at the Card History: For dashboards (and cards and dataflows) you can use the activity log. You won't always know what changed, but you can see by who and when changes are made.
Strange, you should be able to remove them. I would reach out to Domo support!
Does your user have the Manage all Cards, Pages and Apps (App Studio) and Edit App (App Studio) grants?
A kebab icon will appear when you hover to the right of the filter view name, see below: Click it and then "Delete" will appear:
Agreed that this is unhelpful. I would recommend adding this idea to the
Create a beastmode and use it as a filter: CASE WHEN `Time` = MAX(`Time`) THEN 'In' ELSE 'Out' END Not sure what format your time field is in, but you'll need to make sure it is in a datetime format for this to work.
Okay, you can just add the filter as a quick filter but not filter any values. By default it will select all and then they can change the filter as they like. If new values are added, they will show by default.
You could do this in the ETL or a beastmode using the DATE_FORMAT() function: DATE_FORMAT(`yourDateField`,'%d/%m/%y')
Have you saved the beastmode to the dataset?
You could look at using Inline Editor for something like this: