It looks like your date value is actually a string. You can convert it to a date with a beast mode: DATE(`yourDateField`) Once you do that, the quick filter control changes and you shouldn't have the issue you've been experiencing because your quick filter control will look like this:
Are you referring to the new icons? That seems very unlikely. It is being widely celebrated as a win by Domo. And with so much effort going into such a minor change, it is likely to go away.
I don't see anything wrong in your beast mode code other than perhaps a space between CURRENT_DATE()) & AND here: MONTH(`SSD`)<=MONTH(CURRENT_DATE())AND . It would be helpful to see a sample of your data.
Odd. What happens if you toggle "Show filter and PDP icons" on or off?
Yes you can use the Alter Columns tile to drop the Country2 column.
You've redacted the values fields. How are they aggregating? Are they beast modes? Tell us more
Notebook/Text cards are very buggy in Domo. I would recommend upvoting this idea in the Ideas Exchange:
You can accomplish this in a beast mode: STR_TO_DATE(dateField, '%Y%m%d') Result:
Yin Metal Goat! 🐐
Haha we all do! Let me know if I can help on anything else!
Yes, as @GrantSmith said you can subtract your other aggregation in your beast mode. You can also use nested beast modes by referencing the other beast mode in the second beast mode. Nested beast modes look like this: You'll notice the different colors. The greenish colored text is a separate beast mode calculation that is…
Step 1: Create a new Magic ETL Transform with your two datasets Step 2: Join the data on the Equality condition: student_id = student_id 3. Add an Add Formula tile with the following formula (your field names will likely be different): COALESCE(country,Dataset 4. Step 3 uses the country value if it is populated,…
That would require creating a custom chart using a DDX brick. Instead, I would recommend using a quick filter to achieve a similar experience:
You can use a beastmode: LAG(SUM(Value),12) OVER(ORDER BY Monthly Payment Date)
If you set a default control for everyone on the app then you can force this functionality. Set a control with the date you want, I chose Last 90 Days for my example, and set it as the default for everyone: When you open the app page, the selection will be made on the filter card
You could create a new field in the "bad" dataset to split the Division field on the comma delimiter, then clean up the leading characters, then append the data so you can then apply PDP policies as you do on the "good" datasets. So your data would go from looking like this: To this: Would that work for you?
You can notify Domo by opening a support case with them. Alternatively, you can use the Atom RSS Connector to get a RSS feed for any news site you want. Copy the URL of the page you want the RSS feed for. Go to Sign up for free Select "Webpage to RSS Feed" 5. Paste the URL and generate the RSS feed. 6.…
I hope someone has found a better way, but here is what we have done: 1. Do not give them the grant to manage datasets 2. Create a dataset tag "RESTRICTED" 3. Add the RESTRICTED tag to restricted datasets we don't want them to see. 4. Bulk share all datasets without the tag "RESTRICTED" to them as "Co-owner" -You can share…
Hi @user04612 , I would recommend line or bar charts for the 3 charts. This is what we use for our weekly active users: The orange line is the linear regression to see the trend. To build this: 1. Use ActivityDate as your X axis 2. Create the following Calculated Field (Beast mode): COUNT(DISTINCT `UserID` ) 3. Use your…
Yes this can be done using DomoGPT in a Jupyter Workspace. If you come to Domopalooza, you can hear @nathankilcrease explain how this is done. He may even be willing to help out sooner than that if you ask him very nicely and offer him some legos.
@NateBI that was true historically, but with GA4 that ability has been lost. At least the last time I spoke with @Ashleigh that was the case. If you are on consumption you can add instances for some amount of credits per month, reach out to your CSM/AE for details. We like having the separate instance for education so that…
Have you taken the Domo certifications? The trainings for them are free and there are lots of best practices shared there. The MajorDomo certiciation training path is where I'd start as it has the most best practices around governing an instance and growing. For prioritizing tasks and keeping things organized, I strongly…
Yes. You can remove them from the direct sign on list if you are using SSO. If you are not, setup SSO. You can also delete the user or change their email for their account.
Ahhhhh that's way easier! Just add the quick filter, make a selection in analyzer view to the quick filter and then save! Forcing a selection on the filter will force a selection on the bar chart. It changes the user experience only slightly. If you are opposed to that you could use a separate dataset for the bar chart…
@GrantSmith taught me how to do this here: Let me know if you get stuck!
Hey Nate! Google Analytics is currently the only way to track progress. Tracking who each individual is isn't currently possible. @Ashleigh correct me if I am wrong? Our team has switched to building trainings using other LMS tools and them embedding into Domo. If you are on consumption you could also add another instance…
CONCAT(`First Name`,'<br>',`Middle Name`,'<br>',`Last Name`)
This happens automatically when you drill down. You can apply additional filters to the drill path in the drill path editor. Here is a KB article that walks through the steps of adding a drill path:
This happens automatically when you drill down. You can apply additional filters to the drill path in the drill path editor. Here is a KB article that walks through the steps of adding a drill path: