Maintaining old content

Looking for ideas on how you are ensuring all of the content you create remains up to date? Weekly I get an email/teams message asking why something on a card/page/app is wrong. I hate that we are always reactive and want to find a process to be more proactive. I feel like each time this happens trust in data/Domo decreases. How are you all ensuring things stay up to date before stakeholders find it?

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  • One of the biggest things I suggest to anyone is to try to make sure everything is dynamic and self processing. As the quarter moves, the year turns…I don't want to have to touch anything. Instead of labeling things with static values like 2024 and 2023, it's CY (Current Year) and PY (Previous Year) …and after that P2Y, P3Y, etc. We have daily API calls that trigger ETL processes. Watch credits so you aren't over triggering or it will raise the Domo costs. My biggest issue is trying to watch the API calls to make sure the incoming data is up-to-date. I use Domo Workbench to integrate spreadsheets from other departments, which are processed via the ETLs. If something isn't updated, it almost always means an API didn't pull.

    We recently started making use of Jupyter Notebooks in Domo. This let's use Python inside Domo and schedule the activities the same way we schedule ETLs.

    I made a request a while back for some type of Domo schedule tracker. Like a Gant chart to show which processes are triggered at specific times during the day, and how long are they taking. Imagine a project management tracker but for Domo processes. That would be a great help.

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