Dataset/Dataflow update trigger expirations


It would be very helpful, especially as customers move to consumption, to have advanced dataset update controls to have triggers expire.

As an example, I have survey data that I want to update frequently during the survey window, but then stop once the survey has ended and no new data will be added. Right now my option is to go back in and reconfigure the dataset to manual updates (which I didn't do for the last one and it kept running long after the survey window ended).

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  • david_cunningham

    Good idea @ColemenWilson ! I would also like this for quarter-end for our financials. The ability to set up expiring / recurring schedules would be great. Right now I can set up only a single update schedule, but can't say on the last 3 days of a given month, I want this dataset to update hourly instead of daily. All other times I want it to update daily.

    David Cunningham

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