Gantt chart extra spacing

Anyone know if it is possible to get rid of this spacing at the top of each series on gantt charts (highlighted in light purple)? It is only at the top of each section but not the bottom.

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Best Answer

  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    Is it possible your name is being interpreted to cause that space? As a gap between the start of the timeline and where your first task begins?

    Chart date range maybe too broad, encompassing more dates than where the tasks start? We can't see the actual dates associated to things like State of the Company Dashboard….so it's hard to tell if its date came before your chart range.

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  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    Is it possible your name is being interpreted to cause that space? As a gap between the start of the timeline and where your first task begins?

    Chart date range maybe too broad, encompassing more dates than where the tasks start? We can't see the actual dates associated to things like State of the Company Dashboard….so it's hard to tell if its date came before your chart range.

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