Append Output dataset help
Hello all, I have an Magic ETL (A) that with a output dataset - say OUTPUT_1. What I am looking for, is when every time I run the ETL, I need the output results to be appended. At the same time it should not create duplicate records. I created a new Magic ETL (B) with this OUTPUT_1 as input dataset and outputted to…
Question on Domo SQL syntax
Hello all, I am trying to do Magic Transform using SQL option. I have embedded a SQL query but it is erring as it is not compatible with Domo syntax. Appreciate your help in this regard. DATE_PART('WEEK',CAST(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(PRODUCT_KEY),'YYYYMMDD'),'YYYY-MM-DD') AS DATE)) AS "SaleWeek",…
Aggregate and ETL question
Hello all, I have the below workflow in my Magic ETL. Just posting a sample version below. My question is - I have a ProductID that I join from both the data sources and then do a group by and output to a file. But I also need to know Total count of Product ID or row count from TEST spreadsheet source. Is there a way I…
Domo API to MS-SQL
I tried unsuccessfully to find an example of pulling a Domo dataset directly to MS-SQL via the API. So I created my own. I am not a python coder but my script works just fine. Does anyone have a version of this subroutine that does not require defining the column names (ie header)? #Retrieve dataset from Domo API def…
Sum column when i have duplicates in other two columns?
I have these columns and I would like to sum the cost column only when the Publication and Year column have duplicates, so I can see the cost per Publication per year. Brain fart, I am assuming this is pretty straight forward? I'd like to do it in ETL if possible. Is there some SQL I can utilize to do this in the formula…
SQL partition password reset
Hi - I put in a help ticket without success so far. We are using a SQL partitions connector to bring in accounting data. Following an apparent password reset on database access, some of the datasets continued to work while some larger datasets stopped working but continued to bring in blank lines of data. I reset my…
Can I get the MIN date over a partition with a formula tile?
I need to walk a date column partitioned by the value of another column (UID) to find the earliest date for that group. I do not want to collapse the rows. I've tried a number of approaches to this with a SQL perspective, but I'm starting to think Magic ETL wants me to use a Group by. Here are a couple of examples of my…
replace a Dataset within SQL workflow and within transforms
I think could be great to be able to replace a Dataset in a SQL workflow with a new one, not only adding the new data set but as well replacing Dataset name within all transforms. Maybe adding an option to Edit, Delete (image 1) (Replacing if dataset name on sql statement is "name"). Let's say, I have a new data set (using…
Is there a way to bucket columns similar to excel in DOMO?
I am trying to have a pivot table that shows weekly plans vs actuals. Is there a way to add a top layer of that to group the value columns into the top three pillars? Supply, demand, revenue. Thanks
Change SQL Server Connector to import datetime data with greater than 1 second granularity
SQL Server's Time and DateTime fields store data to the millisecond (Time datatypes are accurate to 100 nanoseconds). However, the connectors truncate those data types to the nearest second. I put in a ticket when I found this — I really do need to keep the milliseconds when importing — but was told it's working as…
Brick with Ten Datasets Question
Hey all, In the template for the "Brick with Ten Datasets", is there more specific documentation on the queries used to pull summary info into the card? For example, the https://developer.domo.com/docs/dev-studio-guides/data-queries link is provided as documentation for the code snippet below but there isn't even a…
SQL formula not working?
I have a series of tests that run to determine a pass or fail. All the formulas work but this one is giving me problems - CASE WHEN Critical/Major= 'Common' AND
No>= 2 AND Critical/Major= 'Major' AND No>= 1 THEN 'Fail' Any one know why this would not be returning a Fail?
Beast Mode - Checking data from a different row to generate result
I'd like to create a Beast Mode that takes a value and checks it against another row in my table. I have a bunch of human annotation data. I want to look at a content_id and then flag if that content_id has been in the QC job. I've made a rough sketch of how the data looks (apologies for the formatting. This is my first…
Creating an Artificial downtime for maintenance for only week and work hours
I am trying to calculate downtime within DOMO. The downtime we have currenlty coming from the other system does not put in the factors of weekends and holidays as well as after hours. How can I calculate a correct amount of time between the starttime to endtime while only subtracting within the window. For example if A…
Documentation needed for using Parameters in SQL Server Connector
I would like to have our SQL Server Connector import only data that has been altered since the last successful import (something like dtLastUpdated >= _BATCH_LAST_RUN_, but only if that value is only saved on a successful import. In the Details section of the connector there is a Query Parameter option that hints at this…
Hi All, I'm currently trying to recreate a MySQL flow in Domo to ETL. One of the first things we are doing in a table is taking out extra characters from a column to create a new trade_id Here is how we are doing it. when I go to add the formula tile and copy and paste this syntax, ETL is saying it doesnt recognize the…
Formatting Fiscal Year and Quarter columns
I am trying to format a column that labels 'FY23' and 'Q1' based on a Period date. What would be the formula to create this? I know Quarter() and Year() functions work but how would I use those functions to format it in the way I need to see it? Thanks
Is there a roadmap for updating to MySQL v8?
Hi, A client has asked if we will be updating to MySQL v8 soon as we currently only support MySQL version 5.6.37? Thanks!
Calculate Previous Quarter Start and End Date
Hello! I am looking to calculate the Previous Quarter Start/End Date and the Previous Two Quarter Start/End Date. For example: Input: November 8, 2022 Desired Output: Previous Quarter Start Date - July 1, 2022 Previous Quarter End Date - September 30, 2022 Previous Two Quarter Start Date - April 1, 2022 Previous Two…
3 month moving with current month for a date column
I am trying to calculate a SQL formula for a moving 90 day period based on month. For example what I would like to see now is the date column rolled up into DEC,JAN,FEB and as we move to next month I would expect to see JAN,FEB,MAR. I know the current month function to get only the current month moving but having trouble…
Equivalent of IFERROR(VLOOKUP,IF(RIGHT(- in Magic ETL
Hi Guys, Hope all is good. I am using Magic ETL and trying to create a flow replicating the current logic of my Excel file. In Excel I have 2 datasets. On the Main sheet a column is categorizing using the formula =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(value,range,exact Match),IF(RIGHT(Category,2)="AB","Above","Below)) Now in Magic ETL data…
Dataset query fails when not using a where clause
I'm trying to get all the data from my dataset by executing a simple query: Here's what my code looks like: rows = cnxn.execute(sqlcmd)for row in rows: dataset_id = '609f128a-ac54-4f4f-a71e-81362f9fa154' table_name = 'orders' query_url = "https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets/query/execute/" + dataset_id myobj = {"sql": "SELECT…
Is there a way to run ad-hoc SQL queries against arbitrary PostgreSQL tables?
My company is migrating from Mode Analytics to Domo, and I'm trying to understand whether and how I can run ad-hoc SQL queries against arbitrary tables. As a software engineer, I regularly use Mode's [query editor](https://mode.com/help/articles/querying-data/) to gain insights into our PostgreSQL database data in…
Making a bucket list of defects
I am trying to make a bucket for sentence long defects and put them in a column that is easier to filter by and group the defects into a certain defect code. I was able to get this working on a beastmode perfectly but when I try to add this in my ETL it gives me the code Failed to turn value string into Boolean. Here is…
Aggregate count function does not work in the denominator
When I use the following statement in a card summary, it works properly. But when use it as a value in a Single Value card, the count function doesn't work anymore: SUM(CASE WHEN ROUND(100*`Score`/`PossibleScore`)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT( `AttemptNumber`) For more context, the Attemptnumber column has 450 rows where…
MySQL Connector vs MySQL Partition Connector "Near Realtime" Performance Best Practice?
Hi all, I'm currently investigating the best practice for performance connecting with MySQL for a "near realtime" connection for monitoring missed call tickets in Domo. The idea is Domo will replace both FiveTran and Snowflake. Any guidance is highly appreciated!
Calculating hits per minute by timestamp and Parts ran
I am trying to calculate a live hits per minute by machine based on total parts ran per the difference between the start time of the day and the most recent timestamp. I am having trouble piecing together the correct formula to go about this. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks