MS SQL Server Connector Error


We have a job that extracts data from SQL through the SQL Server connector. It has been running successfully for a long time but it started failing yesterday. I tried recreating the data connection and let the query only pull data for a few days. It ran successfully. However, after I update the query to pull more data (e.g. 150k), it no longer works. We have contacted Support but wonder if anyone had similar issues before who can point us to the right direction. This is a critical dataset and we are looking to resolve it today. Please see below for the error message. Appreciate your inputs!

 Domo system error encountered processing your data. We are working to resolve this issue (Temporary Internal Connector Error).


Best Answer

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Hopefully you've been able to resolve this by now. Looks like the connector was updated on 11/1 so Domo support will be your best option for debugging this issue if you're still experiencing it. In the meantime, make sure the configuration options on your server haven't changed.

    Worst case scenario you can pull the data in through the SQL partition connector, workbench, or the CLI tool.


  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Hopefully you've been able to resolve this by now. Looks like the connector was updated on 11/1 so Domo support will be your best option for debugging this issue if you're still experiencing it. In the meantime, make sure the configuration options on your server haven't changed.

    Worst case scenario you can pull the data in through the SQL partition connector, workbench, or the CLI tool.

  • qzqzqzqzqz

    Thank you. Unfortunately this has not yet been resolved. We are still working with support but we did have some success with the SQL partition however it runs 10 times slower.