Need to see a value by week with current year next to previous year in a Table Card
Hi, I am trying to rebuild Tableau Dashboards in DOMO and I am running into a lot of trouble dealing with dates. Some of the issues I have been able to figure out, but this one has me stumped and none of the available related advice seems to work for me in the SQL Transform component: Using 3 fields: 'date', 'line', and…
CROSS Apply equivalent in Redshift SQL
Hi All, I am trying to find the equivalent of CROSS APPLY in the query below. Can you please help.. WITH CTE AS ( SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY "ORDER","ORD_DATE" ORDER BY "DATE_VALUE" DESC)AS RNum FROM input ),CTE2 AS ( SELECT "ORDER","ORDDATE","PRMDATE","DATE_VALUE" AS recdate, DATE_SUB("DATE_VALUE", INTERVAL 7…
Linter and Auto Format in SQL dataflows and Beast Modes
for better visibility (and to support handover between users, it would be ideal if all the places users can write scripts / code had Linting, and AutoFormat which many scripting tools (Visual Studio Code, Atom, etc. have built in.) Places of interest include Connector configuration Formula tiles and scripting tiles in…
Allow Virtual DataSets as Inputs to Redshift / MySQL Dataflows
We use the Virtual DataSets toolkit item to populate our secondary Domo instance with data from our primary Domo instance. Domo calls the resulting virtual dataset a federated dataset (the data provider is "domo-federateddata"). Unfortunately we cannot use the federated datasets as inputs to Redshift / MySQL ETL dataflows.…
Create a SQL tile within Magic ETL
It would be great to have a SQL tile within Magic ETL where users can write SQL much like what users can do with the Python tile. This would open up the ability to do conditional joins and looping in Magic ETL. It would also remove some of the dependencies on MySQL, Redshift dataflows which can be very slow to run.
Version Control for Query-Based Connectors
It would be helpful to mirror Domo's dataflow version control features in Connectors that use user-entered queries, such as the Snowflake connector. Currently the only way maintain a version history for these connectors is by housing the SQL code in Github or another external repository. Ideally users should be able to…
Dataset view input into SQL Dataflow
At this time dataset views are not supported inside of MySQL dataflows. Please make dataset views a possible input. Thanks.