Add a governance dataset for DataFusions to identify datasets used as inputs
Governance data is readily available to identify input datasets for dataflows and dataset views, but there isn't a governance dataset for DataFusions that allows the same. We need the same visibility into how DataFusions uses datasets as any other object in Domo.
Add Path/Input_Dataset_ID/Filename fields to Domo Stats/Governance reports on Writebacks?
Would it be possible to add three fields from the "configuration" structure of Writeback connectors — like the Domo-to-S3 writeback connectors — for the "Path", "Input Dataset ID" and "Filename" values to either DomoStats or DomoGovernance reports? Doing so would allow more transparency into what data sources are being…
Card/Dashboard Details for Apps (Last Updated, etc)
Cards and dashboards that are in Apps are visible in the Admin area where non-App card and dashboard details currently reside however, there is no detail related to the cards or dashboards. The only detail available is what cards are on the dashboard in Apps and not when it was updated, viewed, etc. We would like to see…
A way to see cards housed in app pages
Hello, I'm putting together an ETL where I can identify if a card is housed in a dashboard page or an app page. The domo stats 'Card Pages' dataset, has been great to see where cards are in dashboards, but I don't see that option for Apps. I've pulled the 'App Studio App Pages' dataset, however, it still isn't providing…
Dataset with column labels
Is there a dataset (like DomoStats or Domo Governance dataset) that has info on column labels? I.e. what the columns on a table are labeled as (not the actual field names from the dataset). I'm trying to make some sort of tool for users to filter by labels used on report elements (not the actual column names, which aren't…
Need role and warehouse details used in accounts in domostats
Hi can we have role and warehouse details used where creating account in domostats.
DomoStats Card Loads dataset - what unit of time is totalDuration?
For the DomoStats Card Loads dataset - what unit of time is totalDuration? The info Domo provides (here: ) just says 'The total duration of all combined card loads on this date'. I'm looking to get total load time for each card. Also, if the cards are embedded outside of Domo, will this dataset catch those? We have cards…
Any Way to Report on Column Usage in Cards
We are trying to filter out unnecessary and unused columns from our datasets and it would be really useful to be able to create a DomoStats or Governance report that shows which columns are used on cards and which are not used at all. Is there any way to do this?
DomoStats_Dataset Schema - Centralizing Feedback
I am working on feedback on each of the DomoStats datasets. Please add any additional feedback to the comments. Missing Fields: Column Description Column Tag Column Order Note - There is a field called 'Details'. The only value it contains is, 'This DataSet has not been indexed.' This appears to be for datasets with no…
DomoStats_Datasets - Centralizing Feedback
I am working on feedback on each of the DomoStats datasets. Please add any additional feedback to the comments. Dataset Types: Some datasets in the DomoStats dataset have null Import_Type, Data_Provider, and Source_Type, while Display Processing Type in the Governance dataset has dataset types for these datasets. Of note -…
DomoStats_Groups - Centralizing Feedback
I am working on feedback on each of the DomoStats datasets. Please add any additional feedback to the comments. For group reporting, the following 3 datasets would be expected: Groups - Unique list of ALL groups with relevant metadata like group type, creation date, created by, last modified, and number of members. Group…
DomoStats dataset - DomoEverywhere subscriber instances
I would like a DomoStats dataset listing all my Domo Everywhere subscriber instances/organizations. We can see the list of instances in the UI but can't export them. We can extrapolate a list of instances from other governance datasets (like activity logs), but this would only capture instances with data in those datasets.…
How can I get 'Reports To' attribute from domo people?
DomoStats - User Level Page Views History
We have a need to dynamically display to each end user their most visited dashboards and we do so by collecting how often they visit a page and also by a pages last accessed date. However, this data is always a day behind because the only place that records this data for a user is stored is in the Activity Log Governance…
Need DomoStats connector to allow for quicker update times
The DomoStats connector only allows for updating datasets daily. Having update times as quick as every 15 minutes, etc would allow for more impactful reporting when building exception/alert reporting as well as trending analysis.
Getting name of columns used in card
Is there a way to get the names of the columns used on a card? I don't mean the columns for the dataset that powers the card - I mean only the columns actually used on the card. I've loaded several Domo Governance datasets from Domo Stats but I don't see any way to get this. I'm trying to make a report that shows when the…
Add DomoStats Alerts to Observability Metrics in the Governance Toolkit
Having the DomoStats Alerts report available in Observability Metrics would be helpful. Without this dataset, we can't completely understand how our data is used in Domo Everywhere subscriber instances. Other Observability Metrics reports let me see how data is used in cards, dataflows, dataset views, etc., so we can…
Cards with Converting Negative Numbers to show with brackets around- PIE, DONUT etc etc
Hi, Nice to have option in the chart properties for Pie,Donut for every card to show negative numbers with brackets and values inside it. Example :: -39383.02 to (39383.02) we don't have this settings in many cards. Thanks
Domo Governance - Add Chart Type to Card Dataset
It would be very useful to have the actual chart type that is being used on a card as an additional field in the Domo Governance/Domo Stats cards dataset. It would allow users to see which chart types are being used the most, or be able to easily locate a card of a particular chart type when they are wanting to recreate a…
Expose DomoStats Groups
A list of the existing DomoStats connectors are found here: I'm trying to create to develop a card app that will list all the cards found on page/dashboard it is on with corresponding user permissions. Everything I found in the DomoStats datasets except for group related information! Card Permissions has a entityid column…
Include User Landing Page in "People" DomoStats
It's great that we can set a landing page and mobile landing page for each user in the admin settings but there is no way to globally view all set landing pages outside of clicking into each user profile. With 300 users we need this added as a column into DomoStats to assist with administration. Thanks!
Where can I find the Description when you save a dataflow
I would like to create a card showing the changes to dataflows and the description. I have looked in domo stats and also domo governance and dont see it. I am looking for the comment you add before you save. Not the description of the dataflow that you put along with the title.
Add Dataflow Comment to Domo Stats | Domo Governance
I would like to create a card showing the changes to dataflows and the description. I have looked in domo stats and also domo governance and don't see it. I am looking for the comment you add before you save. Not the description of the dataflow that you put along with the title.
See dashboard/card insights?
Hi, I want to be able to see stats and insights on who in our organization is accessing dashboards and interacting with cards. What's the easiest method, and can I set up some kind of dashboard that allows us to see these stats? Thank you.
Data exploration beyond what users have access to
We are practicing the principle of least privilege and only sharing data to users if it is needed for their role/department. However, we would like users to have the ability to see what other datasets exist in case there is data relevant to them. I used domostats/domogov datasets to create a table card that is somewhat…
Add deleted events to the DomoStats Publish Event Logs dataset
Please add "deleted" events to the DomoStats Publish Event Logs dataset. Not including deleted events means the dataset can't be relied on to see the complete details of what was changed on subscriber instances.
Make "Save and Comment" comments available within the DomoStats or Domo governance connector.
We allow certain individuals to do minor card edits on the fly to our production pages but require them to document their changes using the “Save and Comment” functionality. While this logs to the card history on the card, it would be very helpful to grab this as a dataset to track these changes over time in one location.
Extended DataSet information on DOMOStats
Can we get DOMOStats to include some of the additional information available on cards like in the API or CLI? While DOMOStats is great, there are some key funcionalities it lacks that are already available through the API and CLI and that would be a huge help when it comes to managing the instance. Some of the top of mind…
Reporting on a dataset e.g. duplicates, null values and data types
I was wondering if someone could help? I have a dataset containing 196 columns, I would like to know which of the columns are entirely null, which contains data, what level of duplication the field has and what type of data is in the field. There is a similar question here, but this is more about removing as opposed to…