New Data Privacy Solution - Beta Testers Wanted
Domo has partnered with Anonomatic (Anonomatic | Protecting PII for Data Privacy and Compliance) to enable Domo customers to combine, aggregate or mask anonymous data at the individual level with no risk of loss or exposure of PII. With the PII Vault and Anonomatic's plugins for Domo Workbench Workbench can now completely…
JSON No Code Connector- DATE format
Hello I am using the "JSON No Code Connector" to get information from an API by HTTP resquest. but I need the date format to be the current day with hours and minutes. how can I do it ? because in this connector when I put the format like this "YYYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" in hours and minutes I get 00:00:00 I also used "JSON…
Increase Zendesk connector row limit
Currently, the Zendesk connector is limited to 1000 rows, it would be great if we could select a time frame and pull more than 1000 rows!
Reach Data (LinkedIn Ads)
Hi All, I recently Swap approximateUniqueImpression column with averageDailyReachMetrics_approximateReach in my dataflow diagram. Even though the dataflow is running completely fine without error, it's the LinkedIn API is causing an error and making dataset update unsuccessful. Error: Domo is ready, but LinkedIn Ads…
pydomo ds_query - api limit for large dataset broken out into many queries
Is there documentation on how many queries can be made, and what the API rate limit is? I have an extremely large dataset and I have to break it out into like 100 hundred queries but after the 10th query is run it breaks.
External Trigger to begin Dataset Import
Today for datasets we only have a scheduling mechanism to update a dataset. It would be nice if there was an API or webhook we could trigger externally that as soon as data is available, to have Domo to pull in the fresh data. This idea has been talked about before but the discussion was closed. I wanted to add my voice…