Network Access from MagicETL?
Am I correct in surmising that whatever environment runs Domo's MagicETLs restricts internet connectivity? I've got a few Jupyter workspaces that a colleague has set up to do various things with our data--mostly normal/conventional stuff, but he's also doing a few things that require network access, like sending emails,…
How to Find Dataset ID for DomoStats People Dataset?
Hello, We want to access the DomoStats People data set via the Domo API. What is the Dataset ID? Is there a way for me to find it myself? Thank you Rob
API Accounts
Hi all, Can I please have some help with understanding what grants on roles allow the following: 1. Creation of client ID and secret for API connectors - is this only the "Manage all access tokens" grant or also the "Manage all accounts" grant? 2. Usage of API account - does this require the "Create dataset account"…
Error creating query using python and pydomo
Hello, When attempting to query a dataset with a simple query query = {"sql": "SELECT * FROM table"} I get this exception Exception: Error creating query: {"status":400,"statusReason":"Bad Request","message":"Cannot deserialize instance of `java.lang.String` out of START_OBJECT token" Using domo.ds_meta and domo.ds_get…
Using Python API to Update Already Created Datasets
Hi Everyone, I am trying to find a way to upload information from a python script into a domo dataset weekly. I am finding that you can't update an existing dataset with this method, only create a new one and update that newly created one. Has anyone found a workaround for this? In the documentation it appears this is…
Change Update Method Using Pydomo
Created a dataset using Pydomo. ds_update method does only a REPLACE. Not sure how to change it to append. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
pydomo export_dataset - exporting Domo dataset with millions of rows failing
I have the below that exports a dataset to a string, I'm trying to export a dataset with 257 million rows but I don't see any logs as to why it fails It just fails! When I try the below with a smaller dataset (250k rows) I'm able to export, is there a way to programmatically break out the dataset into chunks? domo =…
Export card to Excel using API
I have a card containing numerous beastmodes and I can export to Excel through the UI and maintain the look of the card as well as all the filters. Is it possible to do this same action through the API? From the documentation I only see the option to query datasets, which we have done extensively, but I would want to query…
Is there a way to retrieve or export cards data to csv using Domo API?
I have a page created with a number of cards. Is it possible to retrieve card data or export to a csv using the API? I know API allows to export datasets to csv, but I can't find a way to do the same for cards. If not possible, is there any workaround to set it up in Domo so I can only retrieve card data with the API and…
Facebook - Missing dates
Hi guys, Im wondering has anyone noticed missing dates in the Facebook Ads Advanced Connector updates in the past few weeks. The report date value i have been using is UpdatedTime. I have actioned a full REPLACE daily but it still seems to be happening. Domo have told me it is on Facebooks end but it is notoriously…
Hi Guys! Has anyone worked on getting data into Domo from the CMiC ERP system? I am looking for ideas on how to get that data and possibly what connectors or APIs I should be looking to use. Thank you ^_^
Issues With Triggering Campaigns App With An Alert
I've been following along with https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500000316201-Triggering-a-Campaign-from-a-Domo-DataSet-Alert#2.2. I am currently at the point of testing the POST to the API in the WebHook and I am getting the Error: { "status": 400, "error": "Bad Request", "path": "/api/v1/campaigns/bae/start" }…
Import CSV File via Python (Domo API)
Hello, community, I am currently writing a python app that will allow me to import CSV data (per the requirements of the developer.domo.com API reference). When uploading the CSV file via the python SDK and/or using PUT command, I get a 400 error. Error: Error uploading DataSet: {"status":400,"statusReason":"Bad…
Relative date range filtering using JSON no code with API only supporting timestamp format
Hello, I'd like to use our partner API within Domo with JSON no code connector The connexion works fine until I set up a relative date range filtering of 7 days (which is allowed by the API with startDate and endDate parameters). The API documentation specifies that date parameters should follow this timestamp format :…
Facebook Ads Advanced Connector Error - "You are calling a deprecated version of the Ads API. "
I have facebook ad level data and Facebook campaign level data being pulled in daily - today it didn't run automatically and is running the error: "DOMO is ready but Facebook returned an error: (#2635) You are calling a deprecated version of the Ads API. Please update to the latest version: v13.0." What do I need to do to…
Error retrieving a Domo API Access Token
I was running a python script that connects to Domo using my client id and secret and it was running fine till about an hour ago when I started getting an error message: File "/.virtualenvs/strat/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydomo/Transport.py", line 87, in _renew_access_token raise Exception("Error retrieving a Domo API…
Dataset created through API is endlessly 'Storing'
Hello, I have been trying out the Streaming API. I successfully created and loaded data into a dataset using a small number of records. I re-ran the process multiple times, and because the stream is set to 'append', each time the number of records increased by the correct number. However, when I ran the process uploading…
Batch Last Run Columns with API Updates
Is it possible to configure the Dataset to automatically add a "BATCH_LAST_RUN" column when updated via the API rather than doing it manually within the API program before the update is made? Thanks, Will