Metadata through API
Hi! Is it possible to retrieve dataset column description and tags through the API (or PyDomo or rdomo)? Thanks, Carlos
Unable to delete PDP policy in a dataset using API
Hi, I'm new to using APIs to interact with DOMO PDP policies, so I've follow instructions 1/ Create a client in 2/ Install pydomo Python package 3/ Run Python code from pydomo import Domo from pydomo.datasets import Policy, PolicyFilter, FilterOperator, PolicyType, Sorting domo =…
Integrating different social media platforms reporting
Is there a way I can extract data/metrics from all social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube) together? I use connectors to extract data individually from each social media connecter. But getting all metrics in one Dataset can be helpful in getting a better visual view.
Domo API to MS-SQL
I tried unsuccessfully to find an example of pulling a Domo dataset directly to MS-SQL via the API. So I created my own. I am not a python coder but my script works just fine. Does anyone have a version of this subroutine that does not require defining the column names (ie header)? #Retrieve dataset from Domo API def…
Domo Search API?
Hi All, I'm working on a dynamic landing page and I am trying to make a 'universal search' within a Domo brick where users can type in whatever they are looking for and return back cards/dashboards that are relevant to their area of the business. I realize Domo already has a search, but I want to build off of that same…
Dataset with custom managed attributes for users
Domo now allows custom attributes to be created to capture additional user details. But there seems to be no dataset that provide details on these custom attributes. It would be useful if a dataset/api/other consumption method was available through which this detail is accessible. As this will greatly help us to validate…
'None' response when calling Domo SDK to append data into dataset
I am trying to append data into a dataset I created using the API but I get this error: Failed to import data into Domo: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable. The dataset is created successfully but then I get that error message when trying to append the data into it. After some troubleshooting I found that the 'None'…
Adding a Python Function or Google Translation into the Magic ETL
Hi, I am currently pulling Datas of Twitter's feed of specific words from the twitter connector on DOMO. As most of the tweets are in Japanese, i was wondering if there a function/calculated field i could use to translate those japanese tweets on the Magic ETL. Do guide me on the process if it is possible. Thank you!
Domo Custom Connector: 3 Design Tips for Building an Effective Product
If you are struggling to build a viable and effective custom connector, a team of Domo users just published an amazing article on Graphable that will help you solve your problem! 💥CODE SAMPLES INCLUDED💥 The Graphable team is a strategic partner for Domo Implementations and Custom Solutions.
Is there a way to disable auto refresh of a dataset?
I want to stop an API data set from ingesting further information going forward as it is getting replaced with a different dataset. Is there a way to stop the data set from making API calls and ingest new information?
API Connector update via Email/Announcement
Whenever there's an API connector update, it'd be nice if we can opt-in to receive the updates via email or some form of communication. Recently my team has been working off of the Facebook and Pinterest API connectors and when the API updates, it would change the column names which is problematic for us.
Trigger a dataset update via python using a post call
I am currently successfully triggering a dataset update from Snowflake to Domo via python using the following code: import requests #list of dataset ids and stream ids for the Snowflake>Domo connections guids = { 'datasetID': 'StreamID', 'DatasetID2': 'StreamID2', } #Does the work of kicking off updates for all Domo…
Domo Simple API - Insert null value using json
It seems Simple API does not accept null value in json format. How can I insert null in a column using API? I tried "" and it works but this recognizes the column as string, if I need a int column or date column, this approach it's not what I'm looking for. Thanks!
Export metadata on connector datasets
We need to export metadata for all datasets that use certain connectors. Specifically, we have created a large number of datasets using postgresql and bigquery connectors. We need to export (1) the query used for each dataset, (2) the dataset id for each dataset, and (3) the name of each dataset. I know it is possible to…
Add embed token as query parameter to the iframe src
When intergating with Domo Everywhere, creating a iframe is one of the main pain points. This should not be the case. In an ideal world, the iframe would look like this: <iframe src="https://public.domo.com/embed/pages/:embedId"> </iframe> However, as we need to pass the embed token as well. Insted of doing it via Forms…
Is it possible to get a dataset id using a dataset name?
The API docs show it's easy enough to get metadata on a dataset using the https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets/{DATASET_ID} command, and you can get a full list of datasets using https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets which includes a full list of dataset names too But the second API call is quite slow due to the number of datasets…
Twitter cannot authenticate
Hi! I've got an issue with the Twitter authentication since 03/30/2023. It says: "Domo is ready, but Twitter returned Could not authenticate you." When I tried to re-connect the credential, I got only a blank popup window, and nothing happened. If I tried to create a new credential, I got the same blank window. I checked,…
Facebook Advanced Ads Connector - Choosing Specific Insights vs All
Currently in the Facebook Advanced Ads connector, there is no way to select specific insights you want your report broken out by. There are 60+ insights from video views, add to cart, add to wishlist, purchases, etc. but in my case I would like to only select <5 insights. If the report doesn't need to pull all the insights…
Extended DataSet information on DOMOStats
Can we get DOMOStats to include some of the additional information available on cards like in the API or CLI? While DOMOStats is great, there are some key funcionalities it lacks that are already available through the API and CLI and that would be a huge help when it comes to managing the instance. Some of the top of mind…
Javascript field name has spaces
I have tried back ticks, brackets, everything I can think of The script below works correctly and provides the results that I expect, but I really need to put Account Level 9 in the var where Specifically Account Level 9 = Administrative expense but when I add the field I get nothing. I can see the record in the output…
DomoR vs DomoSDK?
I have been handed an r script that has is using an accessToken to connect to domo and extract a dataset using a dataset ID. My end goal is to translate this to Python, as I have an existing pipeline in python that needs this dataset. Initially using the naive approach I tried to connect to Domo using pyDomo but was…
Hello, I am running into an issue with setting up a Domo API connector in OKTA, looking to create some workflows to add and remove users to my account. When I go to setup the connector in OKTA it is asking for the following pieces of information, I have more than half of the information but I am getting an error when I…