DOMO Card Variable access via API
I created a DOMO Variable to filter metrics by period-to-date values across several Cards. These Cards are embedded and displayed together within our product's UI on the landing page (no filters shown). The variable functions as expected within DOMO. How am I able to call this variable through the API as I would a regular…
Embed Dashboards into Salesforce with Domo Everywhere
Ever wanted to try Domo Everywhere but don't know how to get started? A common use case I've seen is displaying data internally via a tool such as Salesforce. I made a quick tutorial on how easy it can be to start embedding dashboards into your Salesforce instance. Check it out! 👇
Is there any way to get Embed Id programmatically?
I integrate with DOMO using java SDK and REST API, and I can get dashboard id or card id without any problems. But then I need to embed them on our site. But I see that the iframe for embed that will only use the dashboard/card id mark as deprecated, and now it is necessary to use the iframe with the Embed Id. Please tell…
DOMO API to grab snapshot
Hello All, I am looking for DOMO API to grab snapshot of the dashboards which I will be using in python to automate. Can someone help?
Change API Scope
While looking into API credentials we noticed that some of the credentials were given scopes they don't need. Unfortunately, according to support it's not possible to remove, say, the User scope from an existing API client. I am recommending that a mechanism for altering the scope of an API client be created.
Reassign API Credentials
We wish to be able to reassign API credentials when, for example, one of our vendors has completed development and turned their project over to us for maintenance.
Domo Python SDK
I have been using the Python SDK to send csv data to Domo via API using the data_import_from_file and have done so successfully. However, I also need to send xlsx files to Domo, but have not been able to successfully do so using the same method. Is the method capable of sending xlsx data using this method?
Domo Twitter Advanced Connector is down
Hi! Our twitter advanced connector is down and we got this error message below. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you so much! "Domo is ready, but Twitter returned You currently have access to a subset of Twitter API v2 endpoints and limited v1.1 endpoints (e.g. media post, oauth) only. If you need access to this…
No Access issue on API Tokens
I have generated client secret and ID using my admin access domo account. But when I try to access the embedded dashboard with programmatic filtering in PHP Laravel, I am getting the following error, "You don't have access to any role/module. Please contact your company admin." I want to get an embedded dashboard with some…
Add ability to revoke embed tokens for security reasons
We are using the following apis to generate embedTokens, and while we can set the sessionLength to shorten session time, we do not see a way to revoke the token when a user has logged out. Our security folks are asking us to revoke the Domo embedTokens. Please add the ability to do this to improve security. We are not yet…
Average Runtime - Connectors
It would be great when using connectors to have an average runtime for that connector based on DOMO usage. This will allow people to understand the estimated time it takes for that connector to run, especially on initial set-up, so a user is not waiting to see if the initial data pull is precisely what they expect.
Is there a way to pass in a body to an HTTPS GET request within the Domo Connector IDE?
In Domo's Custom Connector documentation, they talk about the 'httprequest.get(url)' funtion (see here: ). Unlike PUT and POST, there is no argument available to supply a body to the GET request. Is this a missing functionality, or am I supposed to pass in the body a different way? Without this, there are several API…
How can I add to a dataset previously created using the DOMO Python SDK?
I am using the Python SDK to upload csv data to domo. I have been using the dataset.py methods and have been successful in getting my data to my domo domain. Although, everytime I upload a csv, it will create a new dataset. How can I make it so that my data is added to a previously created dataset?
How to pull data in DOMO from an API endpoint
Hi, We have a usecase where we want to pull calculated values (and not persisted database values) by an external system into DOMO. The calculated value is not persisted in the external SQL system and DOMO cannot do the calculation using raw data. Eg. we want to pull effective price of items where the prices are a complex…
How to Connect NSS APIs to DOMO
Most of the Security Apps have secure API with OAuth2 and i having issues with connecting with DOMO JSON connector apps as they take SFTP server and the API are using NSS. Can you tell me a way i can connect these API to DOMO
How come I cant access Domo through the API?
It was working fine before, I get authorized but now my python script is giving me a 403 status ("Forbidden" error) when trying to retrieve a dataset out of Domo. Is there a rate limit I'm hitting? Quite confused. Any assistance is welcome.
Any way to export filters themselves?
I am trying to build a report using pydomo and the Domo API connection but the challenge I have is that I can get the whole dataset but can't get the filtering to match what we need. I wasn't sure if I am missing some way to export the filters themselves so I can directly add it into my code. I have been provided a handful…
A way to identify/report on hidden datasets
Found out that when users add certain full service apps from the appstore to your instance, it can result in "hidden datasets" existing in your platform. These datasets aren't visible in the datacenter, nor do they appear on any Domostats reports. Per support, Domo has an api endpoint that can be searched by dataset owner…
Does the API's dataset/export method work?
I'm building a PHP client library for Domo, and I'm currently having trouble with one of the endpoints. Specifically: API Docs: Endpoint: /v1/datasets/{dataset_id}/data Method: GET According to the documentation, if I call that endpoint with the GUID of a dataset, it should return CSV content to me in the response body.…
Metadata through API
Hi! Is it possible to retrieve dataset column description and tags through the API (or PyDomo or rdomo)? Thanks, Carlos
Unable to delete PDP policy in a dataset using API
Hi, I'm new to using APIs to interact with DOMO PDP policies, so I've follow instructions 1/ Create a client in 2/ Install pydomo Python package 3/ Run Python code from pydomo import Domo from pydomo.datasets import Policy, PolicyFilter, FilterOperator, PolicyType, Sorting domo =…
Integrating different social media platforms reporting
Is there a way I can extract data/metrics from all social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube) together? I use connectors to extract data individually from each social media connecter. But getting all metrics in one Dataset can be helpful in getting a better visual view.
Domo API to MS-SQL
I tried unsuccessfully to find an example of pulling a Domo dataset directly to MS-SQL via the API. So I created my own. I am not a python coder but my script works just fine. Does anyone have a version of this subroutine that does not require defining the column names (ie header)? #Retrieve dataset from Domo API def…
Domo Search API?
Hi All, I'm working on a dynamic landing page and I am trying to make a 'universal search' within a Domo brick where users can type in whatever they are looking for and return back cards/dashboards that are relevant to their area of the business. I realize Domo already has a search, but I want to build off of that same…
Dataset with custom managed attributes for users
Domo now allows custom attributes to be created to capture additional user details. But there seems to be no dataset that provide details on these custom attributes. It would be useful if a dataset/api/other consumption method was available through which this detail is accessible. As this will greatly help us to validate…
'None' response when calling Domo SDK to append data into dataset
I am trying to append data into a dataset I created using the API but I get this error: Failed to import data into Domo: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable. The dataset is created successfully but then I get that error message when trying to append the data into it. After some troubleshooting I found that the 'None'…
Adding a Python Function or Google Translation into the Magic ETL
Hi, I am currently pulling Datas of Twitter's feed of specific words from the twitter connector on DOMO. As most of the tweets are in Japanese, i was wondering if there a function/calculated field i could use to translate those japanese tweets on the Magic ETL. Do guide me on the process if it is possible. Thank you!
Domo Custom Connector: 3 Design Tips for Building an Effective Product
If you are struggling to build a viable and effective custom connector, a team of Domo users just published an amazing article on Graphable that will help you solve your problem! 💥CODE SAMPLES INCLUDED💥 The Graphable team is a strategic partner for Domo Implementations and Custom Solutions.
Is there a way to disable auto refresh of a dataset?
I want to stop an API data set from ingesting further information going forward as it is getting replaced with a different dataset. Is there a way to stop the data set from making API calls and ingest new information?