Drill Down Selector

Hello all I am new to using the drill down feature and I would like to know if there is a way to choose which drill down goes to if I click on a specific column.

I have 2 drill downs made for this card and want to be able to click on the Ageing Group column that takes me to the drill down for Ageing Group and same for Note Check


  • Hi @DWill978 - as far as I know there isn't a way to drill to a specific path dependent on which column is clicked using Domo's out of the box features. I'm curious to hear if any other community members know of a way to do this though. I'm guessing there might be a way with a brick or a custom-app, but that is a lot more involved.

    David Cunningham

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  • There is a way. In a past post I gave an example of creating a link that passes specific parameters to the page. I'll try to find it for reference.

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  • Do a search on community forums for "pfilter". You should find some examples of passing parameters.

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  • Thank you for this, I did search 'pfilters' however I don't believe 'pfilters' is my answer. I have already created drilldown tables for them and was hoping to click and it goes to that drill down. It doesn't look like 'pfilters' goes to specific drilldowns already created.

  • Each dataset has an id shown in the URL when you look at the data. Can you use an anchor reference link pointing at the id for each of your drilldowns? <a href=""></a>

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  • The URL doesnt change for when a drill down is applied.

  • Like the original author, I have a table view and would like to drill down when clicking into each column.. but I don't see a way to route or choose that.. I'm new here and have been researching for hours. Any help?

  • I agree with what @david_cunningham said. There's isn't a way…using drill paths.

    I was suggesting you can try pfilters as a solution. But pfilters wouldn't be using your drill paths. You would create columns with pfilters that direct to whatever page you want and induce whatever filter you desire. Whether you drill back to the same page or another page is up to your pfilter code.

    If I want a column to filter on Aging Group where value is either appearing in the existing column or a static value, it's up to the pfilter code. Let's say Aging_link looks like this:

    CONCAT('<a href="https://{yourinstance}.domo.com/page/{pageid}?pfilters='
    ,'%5B%7B%22column%22%3A%22Aging Group%22%2C%22dataType%22%3A%22string%22%2C%22operand%22%3A%22IN%22%2C%22values%22%3A%5B%22',`Aging Group`,'%22%5D%7D%5D'
    ,'" target="_blank" title="Open in Domo">',`Aging Group`,'</a>')

    Clicking any value in that column will go to whatever page is designated by {pageid}, and will filter on whichever value you clicked…based on the code I show. But if you use single quotes for value instead of back ticks, you filter to whatever is designated in the single quotes.

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